
Wisdom in "the Word of God" - Conclusion of Why a Book About People?

The real-life accounts found in the Bible often teach us something about the kind of person Jehovah is.  Consider what we read about a woman who Jesus observed in the temple. While seated near the treasury chests, Jesus was watching as the people dropped in  their contributions.  Many rich ones came, giving "out of their surplus."  But Jesus' gaze became fixed on a lowly widow. Her gift consisted of "two small coins, which have very little value."  It was the last bit of money she had. Jesus, who perfectly reflected Jehovah's mind on matters, noted:  "This poor widow dropped in more than all those dropping in money into the treasury chests."  According to all those words, she put in more than all the others combined. -Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4; John 8:28.

Is it  not significant that of all people who came to the temple that day; this widow was singled out and mentioned in the Bible?  Through this example, Jehovah teaches us that he is an appreciative God.  He is pleased  to accept out whole-souled gifts, no matter how they compare with what others are able to give. Jehovah could hardly have found a better way to teach us this heart-warming truth!

Next time: Wisdom in "the Word of God" - What the Bible Does Not Contain

From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah 

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