
Wisdom in "the Word of God" -Conclusion of Why a Written Word

Jehovah wisely chose to have his words put in writing.  He instructed Moses:  "Write down for yourself these words, because it is in accordance with these words that I do conclude a covenant with you and Israel."  (Exodus 34:27)  So began the era of Bible writing, in 1513 B.C.E.  Over the next 1,610 years, Jehovah "spoke on many occasions and in many ways" to some 40 human writers who then penned the Bible.  (Hebrews 1:1) Along the way, devoted copyists took meticulous care to produce accurate copies so as to preserve the Scriptures.-Ezra 7:6; Psalm 45:1. 

Jehovah has truly blessed us by communicating with us in writing.  Have you ever received a letter that was so dear to you-perhaps because it offered comfort-that you saved it read it again and again? So it is with Jehovah's "letter" to us.  Because Jehovah put his words in written form, we are able to read them regularly and to meditate on what they say.  (Psalm 1:2)  We can receive "the comfort from the Scriptures" whenever we need it. -Romans 15:4.

Next time: Wisdom in "the Word of God" -Why Human Writers?

From  the book: Draw Close to Jehovah 

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