
Is "the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life? -"Full of Mercy and Good Fruits"

"Full of mercy and good fruits." Mercy is an important part of the wisdom from above, for such wisdom is said to be "full of mercy." Notice that  "mercy" and "good fruits" are mentioned together.  This is fitting, for in the Bible. mercy often refers to an active concern for others, a compassion that produces a rich crop of kindly deeds. One reference work defines mercy as "a feeling of sorrow over someone's" bad situation and trying to do something about it."  Hence,  godly wisdom is not dry, heartless, or merely intellectual.  Instead, it is warm, heartfelt, and sensitive.  How can we show that we are full of mercy? 

Surely an important way is by sharing the good news of God's Kingdom, with others.  What motivates us to do this work?  Primarily, it is love for God.  But we are also motivated by mercy, or compassion for others.  (Matthew 22:37-39)  Many today are "skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd." (Matthew 9:36)  They have been neglected and blinded spiritually  by false religious shepherds.  As a result, they do not know of the wise guidance found in God's Word or of the blessings that the Kingdom will soon bring to this earth.  When we thus ponder the spiritual needs of those around us, our heartfelt compassion moves us to do all we can to tell them of Jehovah's loving purpose. 

In what other ways can we show that we are full of mercy? Recall Jesus' illustration of the Samaritan who found a traveler lying by the roadside, robbed, and beaten. Moved with compassion, the Samaritan "acted mercifully," binding the victim's wounds and caring for him.  (Luke 10:29-37) Does this not illustrate that mercy involves offering practical help to those in need?  The Bible tells us to "work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith."  (Galatians 6:10) Consider some possibilities.  An older fellow believer may need transportation to and from Christian meetings.  A widow in the congregation may need help with repairs on her home. (James 1:27) A discouraged one may need a "good word" to cheer him up.  (Proverbs 12:25)  When we show mercy in such ways, we give proof that the wisdom from above is at work in us.

Next time: Is "the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life? -"Not Making Partial Distinctions, Not Hypocritical" 

From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah

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