
"He First Loved Us"- Jehovah Took the Initiative

Love is not new.  After all, what moved Jehovah to begin creating? It was not  that he was lonely and needed companionship.  Jehovah is complete and self-contained,lacking nothing that someone else might supply.  But his love, an active quality, naturally moved him  to want to share the joys of life with intelligent creatures who could appreciate such a gift. (Revelation 3:14) Then Jehovah used this Master Worker to bring all other things into existence, starting with the angels.  (Job 38:4, 7; Colossians 1:16)  Blessed with the freedom, intelligence, and feelings, these mighty spirit creatures had the opportunity to form loving attachments of their own-with one another and, above all, with Jehovah God. (2 Corinthians  3:17) Thus, they loved because they were loved first. 

So it was with mankind as well.  From the start, Adam and Eve were virtually bathed in love.  Everywhere they looked in their Paradise home in Eden, they could see evidence of the Father's love for them.  Note that the Bible says:  "Jehovah God planted a garden in Eden, toward the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed."  (Genesis 2:8) Have you ever  been in a truly beautiful garden or park? What pleased you most?   The light filtering through the leaves in a shady alcove? The stunning array of colors in a bed of flowers?  The background music of a gurgling brook, singing birds, and humming insects?  What about the scent of trees, fruits, and blossoms?  In any case, no park today could compare with the one in Eden. Why?

That garden was planted by Jehovah himself!  It must have been indescribably lovely. Every tree delightful for beauty or for delicious fruit was there.  The garden was well watered, spacious, and alive with fascinating variety of animals.  Adam and Even had everything to make their lives happy and full, including rewarding work and perfect companionship.  Jehovah first love them, and they had every reason to respond in kind.  Yet, they failed to do so.  Instead of lovingly obeying their heavenly Father, they selfishly rebelled against him. -Genesis, chapter 2.

Next time: "He First Loved Us"-Conclusion of Jehovah Took the Initiative

From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah

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