
Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" -Conclusion of His Manner of Teaching

Jesus sometimes  combined methods by weaving thought-provoking questions into his illustrations.  When a Jewish lawyer asked Jesus what was required to gain everlasting life, Jesus referred him to the Mosaic Law, which commands love of God and neighbor.  Wanting to proved himself righteous, the man asked:  "Who really is my neighbor?  Jesus answered   by telling a story.  A certain Jewish man was traveling alone when he was assaulted by robbers, who left him half dead. Along came two Jews, first a priest and then a Levite.  Both ignored him.  But then a certain Samaritan came upon the scene.  Moved with pity, he gently dressed the victim's woulds and lovingly carried the man to the safety of an inn where he could recover.  Concluding the story, Jesus  asked his inquirer: "Who  of these three seems to you to have made himself  a neighbor to the man that fell among the robbers?"  The man was compelled to answer:  "the one that acted mercifully toward him. -Luke  10:25-37. 

How does the parable reflect the wisdom of Jesus?  In Jesus' day, the Jews applied the term "neighbor" only to those who kept their traditions-certainly  not to Samaritans.  (John 4:9)  Had Jesus told the story with a Samaritan victim and a Jewish helper, would that have overturned the prejudice?  Jesus  wisely framed the story so that a Samaritan  tenderly cared for a Jew. Notice, too, the question Jesus asked at the end of the story. He shifted the focus of the term "neighbor."  The lawyer, had in effect, asked 'Who should be the object of my neighborly love?'  But Jesus asked:c"Who of these three seems to you to have himself neighbor?"  Jesus focused, not on the one who received the kindness,the victim, but on the one who showed the kindness, the Samaritan.   A true neighbor takes the initiative   to show love to others regardless of their ethnic background.  Jesus could hardly have made his point more effectively. 

Is it any wonder that people were astounded at Jesus' "way of teaching" and were drawn to him? (Matthew 7:28, 29)  On one occasion "a big crowd" remained near him for three days, even going without food! -Mark 8:1, 2. 

Next time: Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" -His Way of Life

From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah 

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