
Wisdom in "the Word of God" - What the Bible Does Not Contain

When you write a letter to a loved one, there is only so much you can include.  So you use discretion in choosing what to write. Likewise, Jehovah chose to mention certain individuals and events in his Word. But in these descriptive accounts, the Bible does not always spell out all the details.  (John 21:25) For example, when the Bible tells  of God's judgment, the information provided may not answer our every question.  Jehovah's wisdom is seen even in what he chose to leave out of his Word. How so?

The way in which the Bible is written serves to test what is in our heart.  Hebrews 4:12 says:  "The word  [or,message] of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of the soul and spirit . . . and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart."  The Bible's message pierces deep, revealing our true thinking and motives.  Those who read it with a critical heart are often stumbled by accounts that do not contain enough information to satisfy them.    Such ones may even question whether Jehovah really is loving, wise, and just.

Next time: Wisdom in "the Word of God" - Conclusion of What the Bible Does Not Contain

From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah

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