
"He First Loved Us" - Conclusion of Divine Love Defined

A-ga'pe refers to love that is guided by principle.  So it is more than just an emotional response to another person.  It is broader in scope, more thoughtful and deliberate in its basis. Above all, a-ga'pe is utterly unselfish.  For example, look again at John 3:16.  What is "the world" that God love so much that he gave his only-begotten Son?  It is the world of redeemable mankind.  That includes many people who are pursuing a sinful course in life.  Does Jehovah love each one as a personal friend, the way he loved faithful Abraham?  (James 2:23) No, but Jehovah lovingly extends goodness toward all, even at great cost to himself.  He wants all to repent and change their ways. (2 Peter 3:9)  Many do.  These he happily receives as his friends. 

Some, though, have the wrong idea about a-ga'pe.  They think that it means a cold, intellectual type of love.  The fact that a-ga'pe often includes warm personal affection.  For example, when John wrote, "the Father loves the Son," he used a form of the word a-ga'pe. Is that love devoid of warm affection? Note that Jesus said,  "The Father has affection for the Son," using a form of the word phi-le'o.  (John 3:35; 5:20)  Jehovah's love often includes tender affection  However, his love is never swayed by mere sentiment.  It is always guided by his wise and just principles. 

As we have seen, all of Jehovah's qualities are sterling, perfect, and appealing.  But love is the most appealing of all!  Nothing draws us so powerfully to Jehovah.   Happily, love is also his dominant quality.  How do we know that? 

Next time: "He First Loved Us" -"God Is Love"

From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah 

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