
Chapter 20/ "Wise in Heart"-Yet Humble

A FATHER wants to impart a vital lesson to his small child. He is eager to reach the heart.  What approach should he take? Should he tower intimidatingly over the child and use harsh language?  or should he bend down to the child's level and speak in a mild, appealing manner?  Surely a wise, humble father would choose the  mild approach.

What kind of Father is Jehovah-haughty or humble, harsh or mild?  Jehovah is all-knowing, all wise.  Have you noticed, though, that knowledge and intelligence do not necessarily make people humble?  As the Bible says,  "knowledge puffs up."  (1 Corinthians 3:19; 8:1)  But Jehovah, who is "wise in heart," is also humble.  (Job 9:4)  Not that he is in any way low in position, or lacking in grandeur, but his is devoid of haughtiness.  Why is that so?

Jehovah is holy.  So haughtiness, a quality that defiles, is not in him.  (Mark 7:20=-22) Further, note what the prophet Jeremiah said to Jehovah:  "Without fail you soul [Jehovah himself] will remember and bow low over me." (Lamentations 3:20)  Imagine!  Jehovah the Sovereign Lord of the universe, was willing to "bow low," or come down to Jeremiah's level, in order to give that imperfect human favorable attention.  (Psalm 113:7)  Yes,  Jehovah is humble.  But what does godly humility involve?  How is it related to wisdom? And why is it important to us?

Next time: Chapter 20/ "Wise in Heart"-Yet Humble -How Jehovah Proves to Be Humble

From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah 

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