
12 Secrets for Successful Families - 12. Goals


A goal is more than just a dream-something you wish would happen.  Real goals involve planning, flexibility, and good old-fashioned hard work.

Goals can be short-range (taking days or weeks to accomplish), medium-range (months), and long-range (a year or more). Long-range goals can be reached through a series of intermediate goals. 


Reaching goals can boost your confidence, strengthen your friendships,, and increase your happiness.

Self-confidence:  When you set small goals and reach them, you gain the confidence to take on bigger ones.  You also feel more confident when facing day-to-day challenges-such has standing up to peer pressure.

Friendships:  People enjoy being around those who are reasonably goal-oriented-that is, those who know what they want and are willing to work for it.  Moreover, one of the best ways to strengthen a friendship is to work with another person toward  a common goal.

Next time: 12 Secrets for Successful Families - Conclusion of 12. Goals

From the jw.org publications 

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