
What Is the Best Gift of All? -Same title

"Every good gift and every perfect present is from him above, coming down from the Father of the celestial lights." (James 1:17)  That scripture, of course, refers to the generosity of our heavenly Father, Jehovah God.  Yet, of the many gifts that God has given mankind, there is one that is greater than all the rest. What is it?  Jesus' well-known words, recorded at John 3:16, tell us: "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever exercised faith in him should have everlasting life." 

The gift of God's only-begotten Son-that would certainly  be the greatest gift that any one  of us could ever receive, for thereby we can be freed from the bondage to sin, old age, and death. (Psalm 51:5; John 8:34)  Try as we may, on our own there is nothing we can do to be released from that bondage.  However, in his great love, God provided  what is needed to bring about that release.  by giving his only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as the ransom, Jehovah God gave obedient mankind the prospect of everlasting life.  But what exactly is the ransom?  Why is it necessary? And how can we benefit from it?

Next time: What Is the Best Gift of All? -Continue with this subject

From the jw.org. publications

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