
What Is the Best Gift of All? - Continue with The Quest for the Best Gift

The timing.  The Bible states:  "A word spoken at the right time-how good it is!"  (Proverbs 15:23) This scripture shows that the timing of our words can make a big difference.  It is similar with our actions.  Just as words spoken at the right time can be very pleasing to the hearer, a gift given at the right time or on the appropriate occasion can contribute greatly to the receiver's happiness. 

A friend is getting married. A youth is soon to graduate from school. A married couple  is expecting a baby.  These are but a few  of the many occasions for which gifts are often given.  Some find it practical to keep a list of such special events that will take place in the coming year.  In this way they can plan ahead for the gift that would be best for each occasion. 

Of course, you need not limit gift-giving to special occasions.  The joy of giving can be experienced at any time.  However, a word of caution  might be in order.  For example, if a man were to give a woman a gift when there is no apparent reason for doing so, she might conclude that the gift was an indication of his interest in getting to know her better.  Unless that is the true and appropriate intention, such a gift may lead to misunderstandings or complications.  This underscores the need to consider another important factor-the giver's motives. 

Next time: What Is the Best Gift? - Conclusion of The Quest for the Best Gift

From the jw.org. publications 

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