
What Is the Best Gift? - Continue with The Quest for the Best Gift

The recipient's needs. A recipient's may highly cherish even the simplest gift if it  fills a particular need.  But how can you know what someone else might need?

It may seems that the easiest way to find out is to ask what the person needs-or, for that  matter, wants.  However, for many gift-givers, this takes away part of the joy of giving, as they much prefer to survive the receiver with just the right gift.  Furthermore, while some people may talk freely about their likes or dislikes, often they can be rather private regarding their needs.  

Therefore,, be observant and take special note of the person's circumstances.  Is he or she young, old, single, or  married, divorced, widowed, employed, or retired?  Then give thought to what gifts  may address a need the person has. 

To gain insight into the needs of the intended recipient of your gift, consult with others who have been in similar circumstances. They may be able to tell you about special needs that are not widely known by others.  With such input, you may now be able to give a gift that fills a need that others would not think of. 

Next time: What Is the Best Gift of All? - Continue with The Quest for the Best Gift

From the jw.org. publications

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