
12 Secrets for Successful Families - 8. Example


Parents who set example live by what they teach.  For instance, you could hardly expect your son to be truthful if he overheard you say, "Tell him I'm not home,"  when you do not want to speak to someone at the door.

"A common saying is 'Do as I say, not as I do.'  But that approach doesn't work with children. They are like sponges that absorb everything we say and do, and they will tell us when our example isn't consistent with what we try to teach them. -David.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "You, the one preaching, 'do not steal,' do you steal?" -Romans 2:21.


Children and even teenagers are influenced more by their parents than by anyone else-including their peers.  That means you are in the primary position to guide your children in the right way-provided, of course, that you practice what you preach.

"We can repeat something a hundred times and wonder if our child is listening, but the one time we don't do as we say, the child will point it out.  Children pay attention to everything we do, even if they don't think they do." -Nichole.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "The wisdom from above is . . . not hypocritical." -James 3:17.  

Next time: 12 Secrets for Successful Families - Conclusion of 8. Example

From the jw.org publications  

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