
Do Not Be Fooled by "the Wisdom of This World" - CHANGES IN VIEWPOINT TOWARD MORALITY

In the United States, the early part of the 20th century saw a big change in people's viewpoints about morality. Previously, many believed that sex was reserved only for those who are married and was not a topic to be discussed in public.  But those standards crumbled, and permissive spread. 

The third decade of the 20th century became known as the Roaring Twenties, and it was characterized by far-reaching social changes.  "Motion pictures, plays, songs, novels, and advertising all reflected the market for sexually-themed entertainment," says one researcher.  During  that decade, dancing styles became more sexually suggestive and clothing styles became less modest.  As the Bible  foretold about the last days, people would t0 a remarkable degree become "lovers of pleasures." - 2 TIMOTHY 3:4.

In the 1960's, issues such as living together without being married, homosexual conduct, and easy divorce became prominent.  Many forms of entertainment featured increasingly explicit depictions of sex.  In recent decades, the bad effects of loose moral standards have been felt in many ways.  One author wrote that the cause of broken families, single-parent families, emotional wounds, pornography addiction, and similar woes is related to "the deregulation of sexual norms now shaping society."  The prevalence of sexual transmitted diseases such as AIDS, is just one indication  that the wisdom of the world is foolishness. AMEN TO THAT! -2 PETER 2:19. 

The world's view of sex serves Satan's purpose. No doubt, he delights to see  people abuse God's gift of sex and degrade God's gift of marriage.  (Ephesians 2:2) Not only does sexual immorality tarnish Jehovah's beautiful gift of procreation but it can prevent those who engage in it from inheriting everlasting life. - 1 CORINTHIANS 6:9, 10.

Next time: Do Not Be Fooled by "the Wisdom of This World" - THE BIBLE'S VIEW OF SEXUAL MORALITY

From the jw.org publications

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