
Love and Justice in the Christian Congregation - WHAT IS "THE LAW OF THE CHRIST"?

Read Galatians 6:2. Christians are under "the law of the Christ."  Jesus did not write down a law code for his followers, but he did give them instructions, commands, and  principles to live by. "The law of the Christ " includes  everything Jesus taught. To understand this law better, consider the following. 

In what ways did Jesus teach?  First, he taught people by what he said.  His words had power because they conveyed the truth about God, taught the real meaning of life, and pointed to God's Kingdom as the remedy for all human suffering. (Luke 24:19)  Jesus also taught by example. By how he lived, he showed his followers how they should live. - JOHN 13:15.

When did Jesus teach? He taught during his ministry on earth.  (Matthew 4:23)  He also taught his followers shortly after he was resurrected. For example, he appeared to a group of disciples-perhaps numbering over 500-and gave them the command to "make disciples." (Matthew 28:19, 20; 1 Corinthians 15:6)   As head of the congregation, Jesus continued  to instruct his disciples after he returned to heaven.  For instance, about 96 C.E., Christ directed the apostle John to give encouragement and counsel to  appointed Christians. - COLOSSIANS 1:18; REVELATION 1:1.

Where are Jesus' teachings recorded?  The four Gospels record many of the things Jesus said and did on earth. The rest of the Christian Greek Scriptures-written by men who were inspired  by holy spirit and who had "the mind of Christ" - further help us to understand Jesus' thinking on matters. - 1 CORINTHIANS 2:16.

Lessons: Jesus' teachings cover all aspects of life. So the law of the Christ governs what we do at home, at work, or at school, and in the congregation. We learn this law by reading the Christian Greek Scriptures and meditating on them. We obey the law by reading this law by bringing our lives into harmony with the instructions, commands, and principles found in that inspired record.  When we obey the law of the Christ, we are obeying our loving God, Jehovah, who is the Source of all that Jesus taught. - JOHN 8:28.

Next time: Love and Justice in the Christian Congregation -  A LAW BUILT ON LOVE

From the jw.org publications

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