
Do Not Be Fooled by "the Wisdom of This World" - CHANGES IN VIEWPOINT TOWARD LOVE OF SELF

The Bible warned that during the last days, people would become lovers of themselves." (2 Timothy 3:1, 2)  Not surprisingly, the world has encouraged an inflated view of self. One reference work says that during the 1979's "self-help books proliferated."  Some books "urged readers to know and accept themselves and to celebrate who they were."  Consider, for example, the statement made in one such book: "Be in love with the most beautiful, exciting, worthy person ever - you."  The book advocates a "religion of the self in which an individual determines his own behavior based upon his own conscience and the laws of his culture that work for him."  

Does that idea seem familiar to you? Satan encouraged Eve to do something similar. He said that she could  "be like God, knowing good and bad." (Genesis 3:5)  Today, many think so highly of themselves that in their opinion no one-not even God-can tell them what is right and what is wrong.  For example, that attitude has become especially evident in the way people view marriage.

The Bible instructs the husband and wife to honor each other and their marriage vows. It encourages marriage mates to have a deep sense of commitment to each other, stating: "A man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife, and they will become as one flesh." (Genesis 2:24)  In contrast, those influenced by the wisdom of the world promotes a different view, saying that each spouse should focus on his or her own needs.  "In some ceremonies," notes one book about divorce,  "the traditional pledge to marry for "as long as we both shall live' was replaced  with the more limited promise to marry for 'as long as we both shall love."  Such a casual view of marriage has led to countless broken families and has caused immeasurable emotional harm. Without a doubt, the world's disrespectful view of marriage is a foolish teaching. 

 The Bible says: "Everyone proud in heart is detestable to Jehovah." (Proverbs 16:5)  Why does  Jehovah detest proud people?  One reason is that those who develop and promote inflated love of self  Satan's own arrogance.  Imagine, Satan believed that Jesus - the one  whom God used to create all things-should bow down and worship him!  (Matthew 4:8, 9; Colossians 1:15, 16) Those with such an inflated view of their own importance confirm that the wisdom of the world is foolishness with God. 

Note: AMEN! Satan is causing all this trouble. He gets into unbeliever's minds and tells them what to do/say.  It is wrong! 

Next time: Do Not Be Fooled by "the Wisdom of This World" - The Bible's 'View of Self-Importance

From the jw.org publications

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