
Be Convinced That You Have the Truth - GAIN "THE ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD"

The first-century disciples built their faith on their knowledge of the Scriptures and the teachings of Jesus Christ, that is, "the truth of the good news." (Galatians 2:5)  This truth consists of the whole body of Christian teachings, including the facts about Jesus' ransom sacrifice and his resurrection. The apostle Paul was convinced that these teachings were true.  Why?  Because he used the Scriptures to prove "by references that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead." (Acts 17:2, 3)  The first-century  disciples accepted those teachings and relied on the holy spirit to help them understand God's Word,  They proved  to themselves that these teachings were based on the Scriptures. (Acts 17:11, 12; Hebrews 5:14)  They did not build their faith on feelings and emotions alone, and they did not serve Jehovah simply because they felt good when they associated with fellow believers. Instead, their faith was built on  "the accurate knowledge of God." -  COLOSSIANS 1:9, 10.

The truth of God's Word remain constant. (Psalm 119:160) For example, they do not change if a fellow believer offends us or commits a serious sin. And they do not change when    we face adversity. So we need to be thoroughly familiar with Bible teachings and convinced that they are truthful.  Our firm faith built on Bible truths will steady us in times of test,  just as an anchor can steady a boat during a turbulent storm. How can you strengthen your conviction that you have the truth? 

Next time: Be Convinced That You Have the Truth - BE "PERSUADED TO BELIEVE"

From the jw.org publications

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