
Keep Walking in the Truth - Conclusion of WHAT OBSTACLES DO WE FACE?

We acknowledge that Jehovah has the right to define what is sinful conduct.  And we do our best not to commit a sin.  But when we do sin, we confess our wrongdoing to Jehovah in prayer. (Read 1 John 1:9.) And if we commit a serious sin, we seek the help of the elders, whom Jehovah has appointed to care for us.  (James 5:14-16)However, we should not be consumed by feelings of guilt over past mistakes.  Why not? Because our loving Father provided the ransom sacrifice of his Son so that our sins can forgiven.  When Jehovah says that he will forgive repentant sinners, he means what he says.  So there is nothing to stop us from serving Jehovah with a clean conscience.  - 1 JOHN 2:1, 2, 12; 3:19, 20.

We must reject apostate teachings.  Since the beginning of the Christian congregation,the Devil has been  using many deceivers to plant doubts in the minds of God's faithful servants. As a result, we need to know how to discern the difference between facts and lies.  Our enemies may use the Internet or social media to try to undermine our trust in Jehovah and our love for our brothers.  Remember who is behind such propaganda, and reject it! - 1 JOHN 4:1; Revelation 12:9. 

To resist Satan's attacks, we need to deepen our trust in Jesus and in the role he plays in God's purpose. We also need to trust in the only channel that Jehovah is using today.  (Matthew 24:45-47) We deepen our trust by regularly studying God's Word.  Then our faith will be like a tree that has roots that go deep into the ground. Paul made a similar point when writing to the Colossian congregation.  He said: "Just as you have accepted Christ Jesus the Lord, go on walking in union with him, being rooted and built up in him and being stabilized in the faith." (Colossians 2:6. 7) There is nothing Satan or those influenced by him can do that will destabilize a Christian who has strengthened his own faith. - 2 JOHN 8:9.

We must expect to be hated by the world.  (1 John 3:13)  John reminds us that "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." (1 John 5:19) As this system draws to an end, Satan's anger grows hotter. (Revelation 12:12) He uses  more than subtle forms of attack, such as the lure of immorality or the lies of apostates.  He will also use brute force.  Satan knows that he has only a short period of time to try to stop our preaching work or to break our faith. It is no surprise, then,  that our work is restricted or banned in a number of countries. Even so, our brothers and sisters in those  lands are enduring.  They are proving that no matter what the wicked one throws at us, we can be victorious!

Next time: Keep Walking in the Truth - HELP ONE ANOTHER TO REMAIN IN THE TRUTH

From the jw.org publications

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