
Do Not Think More of Yourself Than Is Necessary - SHOW HUMILITY IN YOUR MARRIAGE

Jehovah created marriage to be a source of happiness for a husband and wife. (man and woman/male and female)  No one is perfect, though, so conflicts  are likely to happen.  In fact, Paul wrote that those who marry can expect a measure of tribulation. (1 Corinthians 7:28)   Some find that they are constantly fighting with their spouse, and they may conclude that they were just not meant for each other. If they have been influenced by the world, they will be quick to think that divorce is the answer.  They will feel that the most important thing is to be good to themselves.

We must avoid becoming dissatisfied with our marriage.  We realize that the only Scriptural grounds for divorce is sexual immorality.  (Matthew 5:32)  So when faced with the tribulation that Paul wrote about, we would not want to let pride cause us to begin wondering: "Is this marriage fulfilling my needs? Am I getting the love I deserve? Would I find greater happiness with another person?  Notice the focus on self in those questions.  The wisdom of the world would tell you to follow your heart and do what makes you happy, even if that means  ending your marriage. Godly wisdom says you should "look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others." (Philippians 2:4)  Jehovah wants you to preserve your marriage, not to end it. (Matthew 19:6)   He wants you to think of him first, not yourself. 

A husband and wife should treat each other with love and respect.  (Read Ephesians 5:33.) The Bible teaches us to focus on giving rather than on receiving. ( Acts 20:35)  What quality will help a married couple  to show love and respect? The answer is humility.  Husbands and wives who are humble will seek, not their own advantage, but "that of the other person." - 1 CORINTHIANS 10:24.

Humility has helped many Christian couples find greater happiness in their marriage.  For example, a husband named Steven says:  "If you are a team, you will work together, especially when there are problems.  Instead of thinking 'what is best for me?' you will think what is best for us?"' His wife Stephanie, feels similarly.  "Nobody want to live with an opponent," she says.  "When a conflict arises, we identify the problem.  We then pray, do research, and talk it out. We attack the problem, not each other." Husbands and wives truly benefit when they do not think more of themselves than is necessary.

Next time: Do Not Think More of Yourself Than Is Necessary - SERVE JEHOVAH WITH "ALL HUMILITY"

From the jw.org publications

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