
Do Not Think More of Yourself Than Is Necessary- SHOW HUMILITY WHEN USING SOCIAL MEDIA

Jehovah made us to enjoy pleasant association with friends and family members. (Psalm 133:1) Jesus had good friends. (John 15:15)  The Bible describes the benefits of having true friends.  (Proverbs 17:17; 18:24) And it tells us that it is not good for us to  isolate ourselves.  (Proverbs 18:1)  Many feel that social media is a way to have a lot of friends and to avoid feeling isolated.  However, we need to be cautious about using this method of communication.

Studies have found that people who spend a lot of time scrolling through social media postings might actually end up feeling lonely and depressed. Why? One possible reason is that people often post on social media photos that depict the highlights of their lives, showing selected images of themselves, their friends, and the exciting places they have been.  A person who views those images might conclude that, by comparison, his or her own life is ordinary-even dull. "I started feeling discontent when I saw others having all this fun on the weekends and I was at  home bored," admits a 19-year-old Christian sister.

Of course, social media can be used for a good purpose-for example, to keep in touch with family and friends. Have you observed, though, that some of the material people post on social media is designed to promote people themselves? "Look at me" seems to be the message they want to convey.  Some even post rude and obscene comments on their own photos or about the photos  that others post.  This too is contrary to the humility and fellow feeling that Christians are encouraged to cultivate. - Read 1 PETER 3:8.

If you use social media, ask yourself:  'Might the comments, photos, or videos that I post give  others the impression that I am bragging?  Could I make others feel  jealous?  The Bible says: "Everything in the world -the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life-does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world." (1 John 2:16) One Bible version renders the phrase "showy display of one's means of life" as "wanting  to appear important."  Christians do not feel the need for promoting themselves.  They follow the Bible's admonition: "Let's not become egotistical stirring up competition with one another, envying one another." (Galatians 5:26)  Humility will help us avoid getting caught up in the world's spirit of self-promotion.

Next time: Do Not Think More of Yourself Than Is Necessary - "THINK SO AS TO HAVE A SOUND MIND"

From the jw.org publications

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