
Keep Walking in the Truth - WHAT OBSTACLES DO WE FACE?

All Christians must be on guard against being misled by human philosophy. (1 John 2:26)  Young Christians in particular need to beware of this trap. Alexia, a 25-year-old French sister says: "When I was younger, I was troubled by the world's  reasonings, such the theory of evolution and human philosophy. At times, those teachings appealed to me. But I felt that I could not just listen to what I was being taught in school and not give Jehovah a chance to speak. Alexia studied the book Life-How Did it Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation?  Within a few weeks, her doubts vanished. Alexia says: "I proved to myself that the Bible contains the truth. And I realized that  living by its standards would give me joy and peace.

All Christians, young and old, must resist the pressure to live a double life.  John pointed out that we cannot be walking in the truth and at the same time be living an immoral life.  (1 John 1:6)  If we are to have God's approval now and in the future, we need to behave as if everything we do were under a spotlight.  In a sense there is no such thing as a secret sin because everything  we do is visible to Jehovah. - Hebrews 4:13. 

We have to reject the world's view of sin. The apostle John wrote: "If we make the statement, 'We have no sin,' we are misleading ourselves." (1 John 1:8) In John's day, apostates claimed that a person could deliberately follow a course of sin and still have a relationship with God. Today, we are living among people who have a similar view.  Many claim to believe in God, but they do not agree with Jehovah's view of sin, especially when it involves the subject of sex.  What Jehovah views as sinful conduct they call a personal preference, or an alternative lifestyle. 

Young Christians in particular may feel pressured to accept their classmates or workmates' views of immoral conduct.  That is what happened to Aleksandar.  He recalls: "Some girls at school tried to pressure me into having sex  with them.  They said that since I did not have girlfriend, I ust be a homosexual." If you face similar tests, remember that when you stick to your Bible-based convictions, you protect yourself self-respect, your health, your emotional well-being, and your relationship with Jehovah. And each time you resist temptation, it will get easier  for you to do what is right.  Remember, too, that this world's  twisted view of sex originates with Satan.  So when you refuse to compromise, you conquer the wicked one.' - 1 JOHN 2:14. 

Next time: Keep Walking in the Truth - Conclusion of WHAT OBSTACLES DO WE FACE?

From the jw.org publishers 

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