

After considering a few spiritual treasures from Leviticus, you may be thinking, 'I now have a better  understanding of reasons why this book has been included in God's inspired Word.' (2 Timothy 3:16)  You may now be more determined to prove yourself holy, not because Jehovah requires it but because he deserves your earnest effort to please him.  Perhaps what you have learned about Leviticus in these two articles has increased your desire to dig more deeply into the Scriptures in general. (Read Proverbs 2:1-5) Examine  your study habits prayerfully.  You surely what your sacrifices of praise to be acceptable to Jehovah. Do you find that you are allowing television programs, video games, sports, activities, or hobbies to distract you  and interfere with your spiritual progress?  If so, you may find it very beneficial to meditate on certain statements of the apostle Paul that have been recorded in the book of Hebrews.

Paul was very frank when  he wrote to his fellow  Hebrew Christians. (Hebrews 5:7, 11-14.)  The  apostle did ot mince words! He told them that they had "become dull" in their hearing.  Why was Paul so forceful, so direct? He was reflecting Jehovah's love and concern for those Christians who were trying to survive on spiritual milk. Knowing the fundamental doctrines of Christianity is vital.  However,
"solid food" is needed to promote spiritual growth toward Christian maturity.

Instead of progressing to the point of teaching others, the Hebrews needed to have someone teach them.  Why? Because they avoided "solid food" ask yourself. 'Do I have the right attitude toward solid spiritual food? Am I taking it in? Or do I shy away from praying and engaging in deep Bible study? If so, might my study habits  be part of the problem? Not only are we to preach to people but we are to teach them and make disciples. - MATTHEW 28:19, 20.

Next time: We Must Be Holy in All Our Conduct - Conclusion of OUR STUDY HABITS AND SACRIFICES OF PRAISE

From the jw.org publications

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