
He Fought Against Fear and Doubt

 "We Have Found the Messiah"!

Peter would never forget the day he met Jesus.  His brother, Andrew, had first brought hi the astounding news:  "We have found the Messiah." With those words, Peter's life began to change.  It would never again be the same. - JOHN 1:41. 

Peter lived in Capernaum, a city on the northern shore of a freshwater lake called the Sea of Galilee. He and Andrew were partners with James and John, the sons of Zebedee, in a fishing business. Living with  Peter were not only his wife but also his mother-in- law and his brother, Andrew.  To support such a big household by fishing surely required hard work, energy, and resourcefulness. We can imagine this countless long nights of labor-the men letting out their dragnets between two boats and hauling aboard  wahtever catch the lake afforded.  We can also picture toilsome daylight hours as the fish were sorted and sold, the nets mended and cleaned. 

Andrew, the Bible tells us, was a disciple of John the Baptist. Peter surely listened to his brother's reports abotu John's message with intense interest. One day, Andrew saw John point out Jesus of Nazareth and say:  "See, the Lamb of God!" Andrew immediately became a follower of Jesus and eagerly told Peter this thrilling news: The Messiah had arrrived! (John 1:35-40) After the rebellion in Eden some  4,000 years earlier, Jehovah God had promised that  a special individual would come to provide real hope for mankind.  (Genesis 3:15)  Andrew had met this very Rescuer, the Messiah himself!  Peter hurried off to meet Jesus as well. 

Until that day, Peter was known by the name Simon, or Simeon. But Jesus looked at him and said: "You are the son of John: you will be called Cephas'   (which is translated Peter)." (John 1:42) "Cephas" is a common noun meaning "stone," or  "rock." Evidently, Jesus' words were prophetic. He foresaw that Peter would become like  rock-a stable, sturdy, and reliable influence among Christ's follower. Did Peter see himself that way?  It seems doubtful. Even some modern - day readers of the Gospel accouns see little that is rocklike in Peter. Some have suggested that his character as revealed in the Bible seems to be unsteady, inconstant, vacillating. 

Peter did have his faults, Jesus was not blind to those.  But Jesus, like his Father, Jehovah, was always looking for the good in people.  Jesus saw much potential in Peter, and He sought to help him build on those good qualities.  Jehovah and his Son look for the good in us today too.  We may have a hard time believing that there is much good in us for them to find. However, we need to trust their viewpoint and prove ourselves willing to be trained and molded as Peter was. - Read 1 JOHN 3:19, 20 .

Next time: He Fought Against Fear and Doubt - "Stop Being Afraid!" 

From the jw.org publications

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