
Jehovah Treasures You


Have you benefited  from the book Draw Closer to Jehovah?  If not,  why not make  reading it a person study project?  One reader from California, U.S.A., explained:  "I would like to tell you how reading and meditating on this book has enriched my life and  my relationship with our heavenly Father.  I feel that Jehovah is my friend now. . . I love Jehovah more than I think my heart can contain, and I know that this book is one of the reasons  for such feelings." 

Associate with loyal friends; they are a gift from Jehovah.  (James 1:17)  Our heavenly Father shows a personal interest in us by providing us with  a spiritual famiy of brothers and sisters who show "love at all times." (Proverbs 17:17)  In his letter to the Colossians, Paul mentioned certain Christians who had supported him, referring to them as  "a great source of comfort.
"(Colossians 4:10, 11)  Even Christ Jesus needed and appreciated the support he received from hisi friends, both angelic and human. - LUKE 22:28, 43.

Are you benefiting fully from Jehovah's gift of loyal friends?  Sharing our concerns with a mature friend is not a sign of weakness; It can be a safeguard.  Consider what James, quoted earlier says:  "Good friendships with mature Christians have been a lifeline. When negative  thoughts overwhelm me, these precious friends listen patiently and remind me  of their love and care for me."  How important it is that we develop and maintain close friendships with our spiritual brothers and sisters! 


Satan wants us to give up in the fight to do what is right. He wants  us  to believe that Jehovah does not love us, that we are not worth saving.  But as we have seen, nothing could be further from the truth.

 Jehovah love you.  You are like a precious treasure in his eyes. If  you obey him, you will remain in his love" forever, as Jesus does.  (John 15:10)  So do not listen to Satan or to your self-condeming heart. Instead, listen to Jehovah, who seeks the good in each one of us. Be coninced that he "takes pleasure in his people," including you!

Next time: He Learned Forgiveness From the Master

From the jw.org publications

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