
Jehovah Treasures You


Study God's Word each day, and you will see Jehovah's warm personality more clearly. You  will perceive his tender feelings for you. Meditating on a portion of God's Word each day can help you think more clearly, "setting things straight" in your mind and heart.  (2 Timothy 3:16)  An elder named Kevil who struggled with his feelings of low self-worth, says:  Reading Psalm 103 and meditating on it has helped me to come to my senses ad grasp Jehovah's true thoughts about me."  Eva, mentioned earlier, say:  "I conclude te quietly by meditating on Jehovah's thoughts. It gives me a peaceful heart and builds my faith"


When I am absorbed in my study of the Bible, I am focused on others." - Michael

* Maintaining a spiritual routine has prevented me from dwelling on negative thoughts. Although I may not always like readong or studying the Bible, when I do, I give Jehovah opportunities to remind me of his love." - Kevin

 * I like to read the book of Psalms. My favorityt is Psalm 27. Time again, I read verses 1 to 6, 10 and 12-14 and meditate on them."  - Oksana

* "I'll make an effort to start the day by reading a portion of God's Word and lingering in prayer.  I always find something in his Word that gives me the help that I need." - James 

* "I feel closest to Jehovah after studying his Word. Than my heart is calmer than ever. Jehovah has strengthened me and given me his peace.  Studying God's Word has helped to convince me that Jehovah does  not overlook me." - Selji

Pray frequently. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)  A solid friendship with a fellow human is based on frequent and heartfelt communication.  The same is true of our friendship with Jehovah.  Whenwe express our feelings, thoughts, and concerns to him in prayer, we demonstrate that we have confidence in him and that we know he loves us.  (Psalm 94:17-19; 1 John 5:14, 15) Yua, quoted earlier, says:  "When I pray, I try to do more than just report my day's activities. I open up to Jehovah and let his know my true feelings.  Gradually, I have come to see Jehovah,  not as the chief executive officer at a company, but as a Father who really loves  his children." - Read the box "Have Youe Read It?" 

Next time: Jehovah Treasures You - Have Your Read It?

From the jw.org publications

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