


Do you sometimes get weighed down  by many responsibilities, unable to cope with them all?  If so, you would understand Paul,  He felt anxiety, not just for congregation but "for all the congregations."  (2 Corinthians 11:23-28)  Do chronic health problems often rob you of your joy? Paul was conflicted by a pesistent  "thorn in the flesh," which may have been a physical ailment and he was desperate to be rid of it.  (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) Are you discouraged by your own impferfections?  So was Paul at times.  He called himsel a "miserable man"  because of  his relentless battle with his own perfections.- ROMANS 7:21-24. 

Despite facing various tests and discouraging circumstances, Paul kept on serving Jehovah.  What gave him the strength  to do so.  Although he was keenly aware of his imperfections, he had unwavering faith in [ Jesus] might . . . have everlasting ife." (John 3:16; Romans 6:23)  Paul certainly was among those wjho were exercising faith in the ranm.  He was convinced that Jehovah is ready to forgive even those who have sinned seriously if they are repentant. - PSALM 86:5.

Paul also had faith in the power of God's love as expressed  by Christ.  (Read Galatians 2:20.)  Notice the reassuring words at he end of that verse.  Paul said: "The Son of God . . . loved me and handed himself over for me."  Paul did not put a lomit  on God's love, as if to say,  'I can't see why Jehovah would love my brothers, but he could possibly love me.'  Paul reminded the Romans: "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) God's love knows no boundaries! 

Next time: Jehovah Treasures You - Conclusion of WHAT WE LEARN FROM PAUL'S EXPERIENCE

From the jw.org publications

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