
Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Easter?

 Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate Easter?

* The Easter holiday celebration is not based on the Bible. 

 Jesus commanded that we commemorate his death, not according to his resurrection.  We observe this Memorial each year on the anniversary of his death according to the Bible's lunar calendar. - LUKE 22:19, 20. 

* We believe that the origin of Easter customs. which comes from ancient fertility rites, make Easter unacceptable  to God.   ( Hint: Just read the Bible and you will see)  God requires that we give him "exclusive devotion," and he is offended  by worship that includes practices that he does not approve of. - EXODUS 20:5; 1 KINGS 18:21. 

We believe that our decision to abstain from celebrating Easter is based firmly on the Bible, which encourages the use of "practical wisdom and thinking ability" rather than simply following human traditions.  (Proverbs 3;21; Matthew 15:3)  While we share our beliefs about Easter with others when asked, we also respect each person's right to decide what he will do. 

Note; The thing that people don't get about Jehovah's Witnesses is that, we don't make this information up. This is strictly from the Bible. Everything Witnesses tell  you is backed by the Bible.  If people would read the Bible ask God to give the wisdom to understand it, he will if he feels you are sincere, and have the faith that he will do so.  He really does read your  heart, mind, and sees and hears everything you do.

Next time:  What Does the Bible Say About Easter?/ The Bible's answer

From the jw.org publications

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