
"Taste" Jehovah's Goodness- How? - HOW TO REACH OUT

 Make sacrifices for Jehovah.   We do not need to give up all comforts in order to please Jehovah.  (Ecclesiastes  5:19, 20)  However, if we were to hold back from doing more in God's service just to avoid making personal sacrifices, we could make the same mistake as the man in Jesus' illustration, who created a comfortable life for himself but ignored  God.  (Read Luke 12:16-21.)   A brother named Christian, who lives in France, says, "I was not giving the best of my time and energy to Jehovah and my family."  He and his wife decided to pioneer.  But to reach that goal, they had to leave their jobs.  To support themselves, they started a small  cleaning business, and they learned to be content  with less.  Was the sacrifice  worth making?  Christian says,  "We enjoy a more meaningful  ministry now and enjoy seeing Bible students and return visits lean about Jehovah."

Be willing to try new types of service.   (Acts 17:16, 17; 20:21) Shirley, a pioneer in the United States, had to adjust her ministry during the COVID -19 pandemic.  At first, she hesitated to try telephone witnessing.  Once she received training during the visit of the circuit overseer, though, she began  regularly sharing in this form of witnessing.  She says: "In the beginning,  it was scary, but now I really enjoy it. We're reaching more people than we did in the house-to-house work!" 

Make a plan and act.  we face challenges, we prayerfully do our best to use our thinking ability to come up with a plan of action.  (Proverbs 3:21) Sonia, who serves as a regular pioneer with a Romany-language group in Europe says:  "I like to write my plans down on paper and keep that paper somewhere visible. I have a drawing of  a traffic intersection on my dresser.  When I have a decision to make, I  look at that intersection and think about which direction my decision will take me."  Sonia tries to keep a  positive view of the challenges that she faces.  "Each new circumstance, she says,  "Can be like a wall that blocks me or a bridge that helps me-it depends on mu attitude." 

Jehovah blesses us in many ways. We can show how much we appreciate those blessings by doing all we can to bring him praise.  (Hebrews 13:15) That may include exploring new ways to expand our ministry, putting in line for additional blessings.  Each day , let us look for ways to "taste and see that Jehovah is good."  Then we will be like Jesus, who said:  "My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work." - JOHN 4:34.

Next time:  How Does Technology Affect You Friendships?

From the jw.org publications

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