
"Taste" Jehovah's Goodness - How?

 JEHOVAH BLESSES THOSE WHO PUT THEIR TRUST                                            IN HIM

We draw even close to Jehovah. Consider  the example of an elder named Samuel, who serves with his wife in Columbia.  This couple enjoyed pioneering in the their home congregation, but they wanted to expand their ministry by helping a congregation that had a greater need.  To reach that goal, they had to make some sacrifices.  "We applied Matthew 6:33 and stopped making unnecessary purchases ," says Samuel.  "But the hardest step was leaving our apartment behind. It was designed just for us, and it was mortgage free." In their new assignment, the couple found that they were able to live on just one-sixth  of their former income. "We have seen how Jehovah guides our steps and answers our prayers," says Samuel. "We feel his approval and love in ways that we ever experienced before." Are you able to expand your ministry in some way? if so, you can ber sure that you will draw closer to Jehovah and that he will care for you. - PSALM 18:25.

We find joy in our service.  Note the comments from Ivan and Viktoria, a married couple who serve as pioneers in Kyrgyzstan. They kept their life simple so that they could volunteer for any assignment, including construction projects, Ivan says:  "We got fully absorbed in each project. even though we were tired a the end of the day, we had a sense of peace and satisfaction, knowing that we had spent our energy in the Kingdom work. We also found great joy in the friendships and the warm memories we gained." - MARK 10:29, 30.

We find joy in Jehovah's service even when we have challenging circumstances.  For example, Mirreh, an elderly widow  in West Africa, retired from working at her medical practice and started pioneering.  Mirreh has advanced  arthritis and can only spend an hour at a time in the house-to-house ministry.  But she is able to spend  more time in public witnessing. She has many return visits and Bible studies,  some of whom  she contacts by telephone. What motivated Mirreh to reach out?  "My heart overflows with love for Jehovah and Christ Jesus. And I frequently pray that Jehovah help me to do as much as I can in his service." - MATTHEW 22:36, 37.

W receive additional training from Jehovah. Kenny, a pioneer who serves in Mauritius, found this to be true.  When he learned the truth, he left university, got baptized, and entered  the full-time ministry. He says,  "I try to live by the words of the prophet Isaiah, who said:   "Here I am! Send me!"  (Isaiah 6:8) Kenny has worked on a number of construction projects, and he has also helped to translate Bible-based  publications into his mother tongue.  "I received training that taught me the skills  I needed to accomplish my assignments," says Kenny.  But he learned more than just technical information. He  adds:  "I learned about my  limitations and they qualities I need to develop to become a better  servant of Jehovah." (Read 1 Peter 5:10) Why not examine your circumstances and see if you can make yourself available to receive additional training from Jehovah?

Even experienced Witnesses benefit from training when they try a new form of service.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, the elders in the congregation  in South Korea wrote:  "Some who once thought they could not participate in field service because of their health now do so through video conferencing.  Three sisters in their 80's  learned the new technology and began to share in the arrangement almost every day."  (Psalm 92:14, 15)  Would you like to expand Jehovah's goodness even more?  Consider some steps you can take that will help you to reach that goal.

Next time: "Taste" Jehovah's Goodness - How? - HOW YOU CAN REACH OUT

From the jw.org publications

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