
How Does Technology Affect Your Marriage

 TO THINK ABOUT: Do you give undivided attention to your spouse when he or she is speaking to you? - LUKE 8:18.


One poll found suspicious use of social media was a common cause  of marital fights.  Ten percent of those surveyed admitted posting material online that they keep hidden from their spouse.

For good reason, social media has been called  "a marriage minefield" and even "an adultery service."  Not surprisingly, divorce lawyers say that social media plays a significant role in man of today's  breakups. 

TO THINK ABOUT:  Do you hide from your spouse communications with someone of the opposite sex? - PROVERBS  4:23. 



A person who neglects eating will stay heathy.  Similarly, a person who neglects his or her spouse will find it difficult to maintain a healthy marriage. -  EPHESIANS 5:28, 29.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: " Make sure  of the more important things." - PHILIPPIANS 1:10. 

Discuss which suggestions below you would like to implement, or write down you own ideas for keeping technology from interfering in your marriage. 

* Have at least one meal together each day

* Create periods of time to unplug from our devices

* Schedule a date night or other special time together

* Keep our devices off at night, away from where we sleep

* Set aside 15 minutes daily to talk to talk to each other, without devices  nearby

* Turn off Internet access at a specified time


After you and your spouse consider the following questions separately, discuss your answers with each other. 

* In what ways can you use technology to strengthen your marriage?

* In your opinion, to what extent does technology interfere with your time together?

* What improvements would you like to see?

* How difficult is it for you to leave work? Would you spouse agree with your answer?

* How can you show reasonableness when it comes to the time and attention that you expect from your spouse? 

BIBLE  PRINCIPLE: "Let each one keep seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person." - 1 CORINTHIANS 10:24. 

Next time:  How Does Technology Affect Your Thinking ? 

From the jw.org publication 

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