
Find Your Joy in the Privileges You Have/HOW TO INCREASE YOUR JOY -Conclusion

 Similarly, we can increase our joy by becoming absorbed in whatever we are given to do in Jehovah's service.  Be "intensely occupied" in the preaching work, and be fully involved in congregation activities.  (Acts 18:5; Hebrews 10:24.25)   Go to the meetings prepared to give upbuilding comments on the material that is being studied.  Take seriously  any student assignments you  have on the midweek meeting. If you asked to help  out with a certain task in the congregation. be punctual and reliable  Do not treat any assignment  you are given as if  unworthy of your time. Strive to improve your skills.  (Proverbs 22:29) 

The more absorbed you are in your spiritual  activities and assignments. The quicker you will progress  and the greater your joy will be.  (Galatians 6:4) You will find it is easier to rejoice with others when they receive a privilege that you would have liked to receive. -ROMANS 12:15; GALATIANS 5:26.

Remember Melissa, the sister who expressed the desire to serve at  Bethel or attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers? Although unable to fulfill those desires, she says:  "I try to be fully involved  in my pioneer ministry and to participate in all of its features.  This has brought me great joy."  And how did Nick cope with his disappointment when he was passed over the appointment as ministerial servant?  "I focused on the privileges that were available to me-participating in the field ministry and giving meaningful comments at meetings.  I also applied for Bethel service and was accepted the very next year."

If you become fully absorbed in your parent assignment, will you receive greater responsibilities in the future?  That could happen, as it did for Nick.  But if not, like Melissa, your joy will still increase, and you will have a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.  (Read Ecclesiastes 2:24.)  Furthermore, you will no doubt find great joy in knowing that your efforts are pleasing to our Master, Jesus Christ.

Next time: Find Your Joy in the Privileges You Have - GOALS THAT ADD TO OUR JOY

From the jw.org publications

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