
Strengthen Your Faith in the Creator


Some people think that having faith means believing in something without proof.  But according the Bible, that is not real faith.  (Read Hebrews 11:1.)  Notice that faith in  invisible realities , such as Jehovah, Jesus, and the heavenly Kingdom, is based on convincing evidence.  (Hebrews 11:3)  One Witness who is a biochemist put it  this way: "Our faith is not blind faith that ignores the facts of service."

We might ask, 'If convincing evidence of the Creator exists, why do many people believe  that God had nothing to do  with the origin of life?  Some have simply never examined  the evidence for themselves.  Robert, who is now one of Jehovah's  Witnesses says:  "Since creation  was never mentioned in school, I assumed that it was not true. It was not until I was in my 20's  that I talked to Jehovah's Witnesses and heard the logical and convincing arguments from the Bible in favor of Creation." See the box "An Appeal to Parents." 

An Appeal to Parents


Parents, endeavor to know what your children are being taught in school.  What if you find our that some of the teachings include philosophies that contradict the Bible?   Use our publications to help your children reason on convincing evidence. Also, beware of exposing your children to universities, where belief  in God is scorned by many.

Some do not believe in a Creator because they say that they believe only in what they can see.  They make exceptions, of course, for such unseen things as gravity, which is, after all, a reality.  They type of faith mentioned in the Bible involves evidence  for other "realities that are not seen." (Hebrews 11:1)  It takes time and effort to study the evidence for ourselves, and many people lack the motivation they need to do the work. A person who does not investigate the evidence for himself may conclude that there is no God.

After studying the evidence, some scientist have become convinced that God created the universe.  Like Robert, mentioned earlier, some may have simply assumed that there was no Creator because creation had never been taught in university. However, many scientists have to know and love Jehovah. As was the case with these scientists, all of us must build our faith in God, no matter  what our educational background.  Nobody else can do that for us.

Next time: Strengthen Your Faith in the Creator - HOW TO BUILD YOUR FAITH IN THE CREATOR

From the jw.org publications

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