
Find Joy in the Privileges You Have


As recorded at  Ecclesiastes 6:9, we can find joy if we look for it in the right place.   (Read.) A person who enjoys  "what the eyes see"  appreciates what he has, such as his present circumstances.  In contrast, the person who wanders after his desires keeps wishing for something he simply cannot have. So, what is the lesson for us?  To find joy, we should focus on what we have and so on what we can realistically hope to obtain.

Is it really possible to be satisfied with what you already have?  After all, as time passes, we naturally seek out new challenges.  Yes, it really is possible. We can enjoy and not merely settle for what our "eyes see." How can we do that?  To find out, let us consider Jesus' parable of the talents, found at Matthew 25:14-30.  We will focus on w hat it can teach us about how to find joy and even increase our joy in the blessings we presently have.

Next time:  Find Joy in the Privileges You Have/ HOW TO INCREASE YOUR JOY

From the jw.org publications

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