

 Persecution can rob us of many things that normally bring peace. We are happy and satisfied when we meet together freely, preach openly,  and carry on our daily routine without fear of being arrested.  If those freedoms are taken away, we may become anxious, fearing what will happen next.  These feelings are normal.  Still, we must be careful.  Jesus indicated that persecution could cause  his followers to stumble. (John 15:1, 2)  So, how can we maintain our peace while being persecuted?

God's Word tells us: "All those desiring  to live with godly devotion in association with  Christ Jesus will also be persecuted." (2 Timothy 3:12)  A brother named Andrei struggled o accept that fact after the work was banned in his country. He reasoned:  "There are too many Witnesses here.  How could the authorities arrest all of us?  But instead of bringing Andrei peace, this thinking made him constantly anxious.  Other brothers left the outcome in Jehovah's hands, not trying to convince themselves tat they would escape arrest.  They acknowledged that they might be arrested, but they were less anxious  than Andrei was. So he decided to adopt their attitude and entrust himself to God.  Soon he felt at peace, and now he finds joy despite challenges. The same can be true of us. While Jesus did not tell us to expect persecution, he also assured us that we can remain faithful. - Read JOHN 15:20; 16:33.

Next time: Finding Peace During a Crisis - FINDING PEACE WHILE PERSECUTED- Conclusion

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Finding Peace During a Crisis - FINDING PEACE IN THE FACE OF DISASTER - Conclusion

 To protect us and restore order, the authorities may ask us to obey a curfew, to evaluate, or to take other practical steps.  Some people are slow to obey or they procrastinate because they want to hold on to the things they own.  How do Christians respond?  The Bible tells  us: "For the Lord's sake subject yourselves to every human creation, whether to a king as being superior or to governors as sent by him." (2 Peter 2:13, 14) God's organization also gives  us direction to keep us safe.  We are regularly reminded to give the elders our current contact information so that they can reach us during an emergency.  Have you done so? We may also receive direction about sheltering  in place, evacuation, and obtaining relief supplies or about how and when to assist others. If we fail  to obey, we could put in jeopardy our life and the lives of the elders.  Remember that these faithful men are keeping watch over us.  (Hebrews 13:17) Margaret commented, "I firmly believe that following direction of the elders and the organization saved my life."

Many brothers and sisters who were displaced by a disaster or by war or civil unrest have done their best to adapt to their now situation and become involved right away in theocratic activities.  Like the early Christians who were scattered by persecution, they continue "declaring the good news of the word." (Acts 8:4) Preaching helps them to focus on the Kingdom rather than on difficult circumstances. As a result, they have maintained their joy and peace.

Next time: Finding Peace During a Crisis - FINDING PEACE WHILE PERSECUTED

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We will find it easier to remain calm in an emergency if we have planned in advance how to respond.  But does preparing indicate that we lack faith in Jehovah? Not at all.  In fact, preparing for a disaster shows that we do have faith in his ability to care for us.  How so? God's Word advises us to prepare for potential disasters.  (Read Proverbs 22:3.And through magazine articles, congregation meetings, and timely announcements, God's organization has repeatedly urged us to prepare for an emergency.  Do we trust Jehovah? If so, we will follow that advice now-before a disaster strikes. 

Consider the experience of a sister named Margaret. She was ordered to evacuate her home after a brush fire  broke out in her area.  Because so many people were trying to flee all at once, the roads were blocked and traffic came to a halt.  The air became thick with black smoke, and Margaret was trapped in her vehicle for  a time.  However, she survived because she was prepared.  In her purse she kept a map that she could consult to find an evacuation route. She had even driven along the route in advance so she could easily follow it in an emergency.  Thanks to her preparation, Margaret survived the experience.

Next time: Finding Peace During a Crisis - FINDING PEACE IN THE FACE OF A DISASTER

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 If you have ever experienced a flood, an earthquake, or a fire, some intense anxiety may have lingered long after the crisis. If you lost loved ones or your possessions were destroyed, you may have felt a sense of grief, hopelessness, or even anger.  This does not mean that you are materialistic or that you lack faith. You went through a difficult trial, and some might expect you to react negatively. (Job 1:11) But despite distressful circumstances, you can find peace. How?

Remember what Jesus prophesied. Unlike some in the world who do not imagine that  a disaster will ever affect them personally, we expect an increase in disastrous events, some of which could affect us. Jesus told his followers that "great earthquakes would occur before the end comes.  (Luke 21:11)  He also prophesied  that there would be an "increasing of lawlessness." which is evident in crime, violence, and terrorist attacks.  (Matthew 24:12) Jesus never said that these calamities would impact only those whom Jehovah has abandoned.  In fact, many of Jehovah faithful servants have been victims of disasters.  (Isaiah 57:1; 2 Corinthians 11:25)  Jehovah may not miraculously protect us from all disasters, but he will give us whatever we need to remain calm and at peace.

Next time: Finding Peace During a Crisis - FINDING PEACE IN THE FACE OF A DISASTER -Conclusion

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 A disease outbreak will no doubt disrupt some aspects of your routine, but do not let it interfere with your personal study or meeting attendance. The real-life experiences  found in our publications and videos will remind you that your brothers and sisters are keeping their integrity  despite similar challenges. (1 Peter 5:9)  Meetings will help you to fill your mind with positive Scriptural thoughts.  They will also give you opportunities to encourage others and to be encouraged. (Romans 1:11, 12)  As you reflect on how Jehovah has supported  his worshippers when they are ill, fearful, or lonely, your faith will be strengthened and you will be convinced that he will support you too.

Reach out to your brothers and sisters .  A disease outbreak may require  that we maintain physical distancing even when we are with out fellow worshippers. At a time like that, you might feel as did the apostle John.  He wanted to see his friend Gaius face-to face.  (3 John 13, 14) Still, John recognized that for a time,  he could not see Gaius. So John did what he could; he wrote Gaius a letter.  If it is not always possible for you to visit with your brothers and sisters in person, try to contact them via telephone, video calls or messaging.  When you keep in touch  with fellow Christians, you will feel more secure and at peace.  Reach out to the elders if you feel especially anxious, and accept their loving encouragement. - ISAIAH 32:1, 2. 

Next time: Finding Peace During a Crisis - FINDING PEACE IN THE FACE OF DISASTER

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 An epidemic or pandemic can drastically change almost every part of  life.  Consider the impact COVID-19 had on many.  In one  study, more than half the people reported having trouble sleeping during that pandemic. The outbreak contributed to a sharp increase in anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug abuse,   domestic violence, and attempted suicide.  If there is a disease outbreak where you live, how can you control your anxiety and enjoy the peace of God?

Jesus foretold that during the last days, there would be pestilences, or widespread diseases,  "in one place after another." (Luke 21:11) How does knowing that bring peace?  We are not surprised by disease outbreaks. We realize that events are proceeding as Jesus said they would. We thus have reason to follow the advice Jesus gave to those living during the time of the end:  "See that you are not alarmed." - MATTHEW 24:6.  

A disease outbreak can easily lead  to uncertainty and even panic.  That happened  to a sister named Desi.  After her uncle, cousin, and doctor all died of COVID-19, she was afraid that she would get  the virus herself and pass it on to her elderly mother.  The pandemic also put her job at risk, so she wondered how she would pay for food and housing.  These worries began to fill her mind and keep her awake at night.  But Desi regained her peace.  How?  She prayed specifically  that Jehovah help her to be calm and to think positive thoughts.  (Read Philippians 4:8, 9)  She listened to Jehovah "speak to her through audio recordings of the Bible.  She says, "The readers" soothing voices calmed my anxiety and reminded me of Jehovah's mercy." - PSALM 94:19.

Next time: Finding Peace During a Crisis - FINDING PEACE DURING DISEASE OUTBREAKS - Conclusion

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Finding Peace During a Crisis

 "Do not let your hearts be troubled nor let them shrink out of fear." - JOHN 14:27.

THERE is a kind of peace that this world knows nothing about.  It is "the peace of God," the calmness that comes from having a precious relationship with our heavenly Father.  When we have the peace of God, we feel secure.  (Read Philippians 4:6. 7.) We enjoy close friendships with others who love him.  And we enjoy a warm, personal relationship with "the God of peace." (1 Thessalonians 5:23) When we know, trust, and obey our Father, the peace of God can clam our anxious heart when we are facing a troubling situation. 

Is it really possible to find the peace of God when we are faced with a crisis, such as a disease outbreak, a disaster, civil unrest, or persecution? And one of these crises can fill us with fear. Yet, Jesus counseled his followers: "Do not let your hearts be troubled nor let them shrink out of fear." (John 14:27)  Happily, brothers and sisters have followed Jesus' advice.  With Jehovah's help, they have been able to find peace while coping with severe trials.

Next time: Finding Peace During  a Crisis -  FINDING PEACE DURING DISEASE OUTBREAKS

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Do You Remember? - Conclusion

 Isaiah chapter 30  highlights what three ways in which God helps us to endure?

This chapter shows that he (1) listens to and responds to our prayers, (2) provides us with guidance, and (3) blesses us now and will do so in the future. - w22.11, p. 9.

Why can we conclude that the words of Psalm 37:10, 11, 29.  had an ancient fulfillment and will be fulfilled in the future? 

David's words aptly describe the blessed conditions that prevailed in Israel, such as during Solomon's rule.  Jesus pointed to future paradise and quoted verse 11. (Matthew 5:5; Luke 22:43) w22.12, pp, 8-10, 14.

Next time: Find Peace During a Crisis

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Do You Remember?

 In what way will "those who practiced vile things" experience "a resurrection of judgment"? (John 5:29) 

They will not face a negative judgment based on their past life.  They will be evaluated according to their attitude and conduct after their resurrection. - w22.09, p. 18.

What exciting exhortation did J.F. Rutherford give at convention  September 1922?

At a convention in Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., he declared "The King reigns!  You are his publicity agents.  Therefore, advertise, advertise, advertise.  The King and his Kingdom! - w22.10, p.p. 3-5.

Next time: Do You Remember? -Conclusion

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Do You Remember?

 What is a key way our confidence in God's justice? 

If someone has insulted us, offended us, or sinned against us, we try to let go of anger and resentment, leaving matters in Jehovah's hands.  He will undo all the harm caused by sin. - w22.06, pp 10-11.

A brother who is offering a prayer at a meeting should keep what in mind?

Prayer is not to be used to counsel the congregation or to make an announcement. Especially at the beginning of a meeting, the use of "many words" is not needed. (Matthew 6:7) -w22.07, pp. 24-25.

Next time: Do You Remember? -Continue

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Do You Remember?

 How can we  be "an example . . . in speaking"? (1 Timothy 4:12) 

We speak with kindness and respect in our ministry, sing wholeheartedly, comment regularly at meetings, and speak truthfully and build others up, avoiding abusive speech. - w22:04, pp 6-9.

Why are the characteristics of the four beasts (kingdoms) mentioned in Daniel chapter 7 combined with on beast as describe at Revelation 13:1, 2?

The beast of Revelation 13 does not represent just one specific kingdom, such as Rome. Rather, it represents all political powers that have dominated mankind. - w22:05, p. 9.

Next time: Do You Remember? -Continue

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Do You Remember?

 Have you carefully read this year's issue of the Watchtower? Well, see if you can answer the following questions.

How will we be rewarded if we spend time talking to, listening to, and thinking about Jehovah?

We will make better decisions, be better teachers, have stronger faith, and grow in our love for Jehovah. - w 22:01, pp. 30-31. 

How will we be helped if we learn to trust in Jehovah and his representatives?

Now is the time to trust in God's way of doing things by not second-guessing the direction and the decisions of the elders.  When the great  tribulation  strikes, we will be ready to obey even if we receive instructions that seem strange or illogical. - w22.02, pp 4-6. 

What was the angel's point  in telling Zechariah about a "plumb line in the hand of [Governor] Zerubbabel:? (Zechariah 4:8-10) 

This vision assured God's people that the modest temple being built would be completed and would meet God's standards. - 222:03, pp  16-17.

Next time: Do You Remember? - Continue

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Questions From Readers

 Bear in mind, too that is was Jehovah who inspired David to write.  What he wrote included prophecies about what to come much later. For example,  in Psalm 110,David pointed to a time when his Lord would "sit at his right hand" in heaven and receive great power.  To do what? To subdue God's enemies  and "executed judgment  against the nations on earth.  David was an ancestor of the Messiah, the one who would rule from heaven and who would be " a priest forever." (Psalm 110:1-6)  Jesus confirmed  that the prophecy found at Psalm 110 was about him and that it would have a future fulfillment. - MATTHEW 22:41-45.

Yes, David was inspired to write about both his time and a future time when he would be resurrected and could enjoy praising Jehovah forever.  That helps us to see that Psalm 37:10, 11, 29 can be understood as a description of the conditions that prevailed in ancient Israel as well as the conditions that will come globally in this future when God fulfills  his promises. 

Psalm 61:8  and similar verses thus show that David wanted to glorify Jehovah in ancient Israel until he died. And they  reflect realistically what David will be able to do in the future once Jehovah bring him back to life.

Next time: Do You Remember?

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Questions From Readers -Continue

 David was not exaggerating, thinking that he would never die.  He knew  that Jehovah had decreed that human sin would result in death, and David admitting to being a sinner.  (Genesis 3:3, 17-19; Psalm 51:4, 5) He was aware that even men whom God approved, such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,  had died.  And David could see that his own life would end.  (Psalm 37:25; 39:4) But his words found at Psalm 61;8 reflected his desire  and determination to praise God forever, that is, for as long as David lived. - 2 SAMUEL 7:12. 

Some of David's writings dealt with his life back then, as we can see from the superscriptions  of Psalm 18, 51,  and 52.  In Psalm 23, David described Jehovah as a shepherd who provides guidance, refreshment, and protection.  David was such a good shepherd. And he wanted to serve God 'all the days of his life.' - PSALM 23:6.

Next time: Questions From Readers - Conclusion

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Questions From Readers

 Was the psalmist David exaggerating or unrealistic in writing that he would praise God's name "forever," as recorded at PSALM 61:8?

No. What David wrote there was valid and realistic.

Consider what he penned in that verse and similar texts:  "I will sing praises to your name forever as I pay my vows day after day." I praise you, O Jehovah my God, with all  my heart, and I will glorify your name forever." I will praise your name forever and ever." -PSALM 61:8; 86:12; 145:1, 2.

Next time: Questions From Readers 

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 Can you picture yourself in Paradise, talking with the criminal who spoke to Jesus? No doubt you both would express your appreciation  for Jesus' sacrifice.  You might very well ask him to tell  you more about what happened during  the last few hours of Jesus' life on earth and how it felt to have Jesus answer his request.  On the other hand, he might ask you what it was like to live throught the last days of Satan's system.  What an honor it will be to study God's Word with people like that man! - EPHESIANS 4:22-24. 

Life  in Paradise will never be boring. We will always have interesting people to meet and meaninful work to do.  Best of all, each day we will be able to come to know our heavenly Father better and enjoy what he has provided. We will never run out of things to learn about him, and there will be so much to learn about his creation.  The longer we lie, the deeper our love for God will be.  How grateful we are to Jehovah and to Jesus for giving us the promise that we can live forever in Paradise!

Next time: Questions From Readers: Was the psalmist David exaggerating or unrealistic in writing that he would praise God's name "forever," as recorded at Psalm 61:8?

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We do not need to wait unto we are living in Paradise to become the kind of people that Jehovah wants there. Right now we can work at being honest in our speech and actions and moderate in our habits. And we can be loyal to Jehovah, to our marriage mate, to  fellow Christians.  The more closely we confor to God's standards while living in this wicked world, the easier it will be  for us to live by them in Paradise.  We can also develop skills and traits to show that we are preparing to live then.

We should also strive to let go of guilt that we may feel because of serious sins committed in the past.  Of course, we would neve consider the ransom sacrifice to be an excuse  to "practice sin willfully." (Hebrews 10:26-31) But wecan rest assured that if we truly have repented of a serious sin, have sought the help Jehovah provides, and have changed our conduct, has forgiven us in a large way.(Isaiah 55:7; Acts 3:19) Remember Jesus' words to the Pharisees: "I came to call, not the righteous people, but sinners." (Matthew 9:13) The ransom sacrifice is powerful enough to cover all our sins. 

Next time: "You Will Be With Me in Paradise" - YOU CAN LIVE FOREVER IN PARADISE

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Jesus referred to those who will rule with him as a "little flock."  (Luke 12:32) He also of a second group, which he referred to as "other sheep."  These  two groups make up one united flock.  (John 10:16) The two groups are already working together,  and that will continue  as the earthly Paradise is established. By then, of course, those of the "little flock" will  be in heaven and those of the "other sheep" will have the prospect of enjoying life on earth forever.  But there are things that the "other sheep" need to know to qualify to live in Paradise.

The repentant criminal died before he had the opportunity to mainifest his appreciation for Christ to the fullest extent.  In contrast, we of the "other sheep' have many opportunities now to show how we feel about Jesus.  For instance, we show our affection for him by the way we treat his spirit-anointed brothers.  Jesus said that he would judge the sheep on that basis. (Matthew 25:31-40)  We can support Christ's brothers by enthusiiastically helping them in the preaching  and disciple-making work.  (Matthew 28:18-20)  To that end, we want to make good use of the Bible study aids that are provided, such as the Enjoy Life Forever!  book.  If  you are not yet conducting a Bible study with someone, why not make it a goal to offer a Bible study to as many people as you can?


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"You Will Be With Me in Paradise" - WHAT ROLE WILL THE ANOINTED PLAY?

 The task assigned to Jesus and his corulers is far greater than that task given to Solomon.  That Israelite king had to care for milions of people in just one land.   However, those ruling in God's Kingdom will help to care for billions of people living across the globe. What an awe-inspiring privilege Jehovah grants to the 144,000!

Like Jesus, the 144,000 will serve as kings and priests. (Revelation 5:10)  Under the Mosiac Law, the priests  were primarily responsible for protecting the people's  physical health while making sure that they were spiritually healthy.  The Law was "a shadow of the good things to come," so it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus' corulers will assist in the unique role of caring for the physical and spiritul needs of God's people/  (Hebrew 10:1) We will have to wait and see just how thise kings and priests communicate with subjects of the Kingdom who are on earth. Whatever Jehovah arranges,we can be confident that in the Paradise to come, those on earth will receive the guidance they need. - REVELATON 21:3, 4.


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"You Will Be With Me in Paradise" - KING SOLOMON'S RULE-A TASTE OF PARADISE -Conclusion

 Jesus is superior to Solomon in every way.  Solomon was an imperfect man who made serious errors in judgment that eventually brought hardship on God's people.  Jesus, on the other hand, is a perfect Ruler who makes no mistakes.  (Luke 1:32; Hebrews 4:14, 15) Jesus passed extremely difficult tests that Satan brought on him. Christ has proved that he will never sin or do anything  that would harm his loyal subjects.  It truly is an honor to have him as our King.  

Jesus will have 144,000 corulers working with him to care for mankind and to fulfill Jehovah's purpose for the earth. (Revelation 14:1-3) These ones experienced many trials and sufferings hwen they were men and women, so they will be sympathic corulers. Specifically, what role with these corulers play? 

Next time: "You Will  Be With Me in Paradise" - WHAT ROLE WILL THE ANOINTED PLAY?

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 King Solomon was inspired to write about what life would be  like when a future wise and faithful king would sit on the throne. ( Read Psalm 37:10, 11, 29) We often read Psalm 37:11 to others when discussing the coming Paradise.  That is certainly justified because Jesus quoted that text in his Sermon on the Mount, indicating that it will have  a future fulfillment. (Matthew 5:5) But David's words also reveal what life would be like in King Solomon's day.  When Solomon ruled Israel, God's people enjoyed special peace and prosperity in a land "flowing with milk and honey."  God has said: "If you continue walking in my statutes . . . , I will peace in the land, and you will lie down wiht no one making you afraid." (Leviticus 20:24; 26:3, 6) Thoses promises came true during Solomon's reign.  (1 Chronicles 22:9; 29:26, 28)  And there was the prospect that wicked ones would  "be no more." (Psalm 37:10) Hence, the words found at Psalm 37:10, 11, 29  had an ancient fulfillment and will also be fulfilled in the future.

News of the peace and prosperity enjoyed by the Israelites under Solomon's rule reached the queen of Sheba.  That sovereign from a different land traveled to Jerusalem to see the situation for herself.  (1 Kings 10:1) After inspecting King Solomon's kingdom, she said: "I had not been told the half. . . Happy are your men, and happy are your servants who stand before you constantly, listening to your wisdom! (1 Kings 10:6-8)  But the conditions under Solomon's rule were just a taste of what Jehovah will do for mankind under the rule of his Son, Jesus. 

Next time: "You Will Be With Me in Paradise" - KING SOLOMON'S RULE-A TASTE OF PARADISE

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"You Will Be With Me in Paradise" - WHAT WILL LIFE IN PARADISE BE LIKE?

 What comes to your mind when you think about life in Paradise?  Perhaps you envision a beautiful park  like the garden of Eden. (Genesis 2:7-9) You may recall the prophecy recorded by Micah that God's people will sit "each one under his vine and under his fig tree." (Micah 4:3, 4) The Bible's indications that there will plenty of food may come to your mind.  (Psalm 72:16; Isaiah 65:21, 22) So you may see yourself in a beautiful garden, sitting at table of delicious food.  You may imagine the air filled with the clean scent of plants and flowers.  And you very likely hear the soundo laughter as family and friends-including resurrected ones-enjoy one another's  company. All that is no mere dream. Without doubt, scenes like these will take place on earth.  However, life in Paradise will also include refreshing work. 

Jehovah has created us to find enjoyment in our work.  (Ecclesiastes 2:24) We will  be especially busy during the Thousand Year Reign of Christ.  Those who survive the great tribulation, as well as the millions who are resurrected, will need clothing , food, and a place to live.  Filling those needs will mean a lot of rewarding work.  Just as Adam and Eve were to cultivate their garden home, we will have the privilege of cultivating the Paradise earth. Imagine also how enjoyable it will be to educate the millions of resurrected ones who know little about Jehovah and his purpose and to help faithful ones who lived long Jesus' time to learn more!

We can be confident that life in the future Paradise will be peaceful, prosperous, and well-organized.  Why? Because Jehovah has already given us a glimpse of what life under his Son's rulership will be like. We can see that in account of King Solomon's rule.

Next time:  "You Will Be With Me in Paradise" - KING SOLOMON'S RULE-A TASTE OF PARADISE

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"You Will Be WIth Me in Paradise"

 As a Jew the repentant criminal would have known about Adam and Eve and the Paradise in which Jehovah had placed them.  So the criminal could well have realized that the Paradise that Jesus mentioned would be a beautiful garden here on earth. - Read GENESIS 2:15.

Jesus' words to the criminal should move us to think about what life in Paradise will be likke. Actually, we can learn something about Paradise from the peaceful rule of King Solomon. And we can expect that Jesus, the one greater than Solomon, will work along wiht his corulers to bring wonderful conditions to the earth. (Matthew 12:42) Understandably, the "other sheep" should be interested inwhat they need to do to qualify to live forever in Paradise.  - JOHN 10:16. 

Next time: "You Will Be With Me in Paradise" - WHAT WILL LIFE IN PARADISE BE LIKE? 

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"You Will Be With Me In Paradise"

"Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise" - LUKE 23:43.

JESUS and the two criminals beside him were suffering as they felt their life draining away. (Luke 23:32, 33) Both of the criminals had been speaking abusively of Jesus, so they clearly were not his disciples.  (Matthew 27:44; Mark 15:32) But one of them had a change of heart.  He said: Jesus, remember me when  you get into your Kingdom.  Jesus replied: "Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise." (Read Luke 23:39-43.) Nothing suggests that this criminal had accepted the message about "the Kingdom of the heavens," which Jesus preached during his ministry.  And Jesus never did say that the man would get into the Kingdom.  (Matthew 4:17)  Jesus was speaking about  the future earthly Paradise.  Why can we say that?

The repentant criminal was likely a Jew.  That criminal said to the other: "Do you not fear God  at all, now that you have received the same judgment?" ( Luke 23:40)   The Jews worshipped one God, but people from the nations believed in many gods. (Exodus 20:2, 3; 1 Corinthians 8:5, 6) Had those criminals been men of the nations, the question adked might have been, "Do you not fear the gods at all?"  Futhermore, Jesus was sent, not to people of the nations, but to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matthew 15:24) God had revealed to the Israelites that he would raise the dead.  The reepentant criminal may known about this, and as is words suggest, he assumed that JEhovah would resurrect Jesus to rule in God's Kingdom.  The man apparently hoped that God would also resurrect him.

Next time: "You Will Be With Me in Paradise" -Continue

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We Can Live Forever -A BEAUTIFUL FUTURE AHEAD -Conclusion

 As we have seen, our hope of living forever is solidly based on God's Word.  That hope can help us to remain loyal during these difficult last days.  But to please Jehovah, we must be motivated by more than just a desire to stay alive. Our primary reason for staying loyal to Jehovah and Jesus is that  we love them deeply.  (2 Corinthians 5:14, 15)  That love motivates us to imitate tham and to share with others the hope we have.  (Romans 10:13-15) As we learn to be unselfish and generous we become the thpe of people whom Jehovah wants as his friends forever. - Hebrews 13:16.

Will we be among those who gain everlasting life?  Jehovah has opened to door to that possibility.  Now it is up to us  to stay on the path that leads to life.  (Read Matthew 7:13, 14)  What will life be like when we live forever? We will discuss the answer to that question in the next article.

Next time: "You Will Be With Me in Paradise"

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 Jesus is now in position in heaven and will fulfill all the promises that Jehovah has made.(2 Corinthians 1:20) Since 1914, Jesus has been subduing his enemies.  (Psalm 110:1, 2)  He and his corulers will soon complete their conquest and will destroy the wicked. AMEN to that! - REVELATION 6:2.

During Jesus' Thousand Year Reign, the dead will be raised and obedient mankind  will be brought to perfection.  After the final test, those whom Jehovah judges to be righteous "will possess the earth, and they will live forever upon it." (Psam 37:10, 11, 29) Happily, "the last enemy, death," will be brought to  nothing." - 1 CORINTHIANS 15:26. 

Next time: We Can Live Forever - A BEAUTIFUL FUTURE AHEAD

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 Why did Jehovah allow his beloved Son to die a painful death?  Jesus revealed the reason, saying: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)  By giving his Son as a ransom to cover our sins, God makes it possible for us to gain everlasting life.  (Matthew 20:28) The apostle Paul summed up this important part of God's purposee when he wrote: "Since death came through a man, resurrection of the dead also comes through a man.  For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive." -1 CORINTHIANS 15:21, 22.

Taught his followers to pray for God's Kingdom to come and for God's will to take place on earth.  (Matthew 6:9, 10)  Part of God's purpose  is for humans to live forever on earth.  To accomplish that, Jehovah has appointed his Son as King of the Messianic Kingdom.  God has been gathering 144,000 people from the earth to work with Jesus in fulfilling God's will. - REVELATION 59, 10.

Jehovah is now drawing together "a great crow" of people and training them as subjects of his Kingdom.  (Revelation 7:9; James 2:8) Despite living today in world divided by fear and war, those making up this group strive to overcome all national, tribal, and personal hatreds.  They are already symbolically beating their swords into plowshares.  (Micah4:3) Instead of participating  in wars that cause so much deathm they are helping people to find "the real life" by teaching them about the true GOd and his purposes.  (1 Timothy 6:19)  Family members may turn against them or they may suffer financially because they support God's Kingdom, but Jehovah makes sure that they have the things they need.  (Matthew 6:25, 30-33; Luke 18:29, 30) Those facts assure us that God's Kingdom is a reality and that it will continue to fufill Jehovah's purpose. 

Next time: We Can Live Forever - A BEAUTIFUL FUTURE AHEAD

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We Can Live Forever - Jehovah's Purpose Has Not Changed

 Jehovah has promised that he will resurrect the dead and make everlasting life available to them.  (Acts 24:15; Titus 1:1, 2)  The faithful man Job was certain that Jehovah longs to resurrect those who have died.  (Job 14:14, 15)  The prophet Daniel was aware that humans have the prospect of being resurrected with the opportuity to live forever.  (Psalm 37:29; read Daniel 12:2, 13.) Jews in Jesus' day also knew that Jehovah could grant his faithful servants "everlasting life."  (Luke 10:25; 18:18) Jesus repeatedly spoke of this promise, and he himself was resurrected by his Father. - MATTHEW 19:19; 22:31, 32; LUKE 18:30; JOHN 11:25.

Jehovah is the Life-Giver and has the power to bring people back to life.  He empowered the prophet Elijah to ressurect the son of the widow of Zerephat. (1 Kings 17:21-23) Later, with God's help the prophet Elijah restored life to the son of a Shunammoite woman. (2 Kinfsa 4:18-20, 34-37)  Those and other resurrections proved that his Father had given him that power.  )John 11:23-25, 43, 44) Now Jesus is in heaven and has been given "all authority . . . in heaven and on earth." Thus, he is in position to fulfill the promise that "all those  in the memorial tombs" will be raised to life with the prospect of remaining alive forever. -MATTHEW 28:18; JOHN 5:25-29.

Next time: We Can Live Forever - Jehovah Has Not Changed His Mind

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We Can Live Forever - "Forever" in the Bible - Continue

 Jehovah has created within us a strong desire to keep living.  The Bible says regarding humans that GOd has "put eternity in their heart." (Ecclesiastes 3:11) That is one reason why we view death as an enemy. (1 Corinthians 15:26) If we become seriously ill, do we just accept the condition and give up? No.  Usually, we visit a physician and perhaps take medicine to combat the disease.  In fact, we do all we reasonably can to avoid dying.  And when someone we love dies, whether that person is young or old, do we feel deep and lasting emotional pain?  (John 11:32, 33)  Certainly, our loving Creator would not give us  the desire and the capacity to keep living unless his purpose was for humans to keep living.  But we have further compelling reasons to believe that we can have an unending life. Let us consider some of Jehovah's past and presesnt actions that prove he has not changed his original purpose.

Jehovah's Purpose Has Not Changed

Even though Adam and Eve sinned and brought death to their children, jehovah did not change his mind regarding his purpose.  (Read Isaiah 55:11) His purpose is still that faithful humans live forever.  Such a conclusion is evident when we consider the things Jehovah has said and done in order to fulfill his purpose. 

Next time: We Can Live Forever -Jehovah Purpose Has Not Changed

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We Can Live Forever - "Forever " in the Bible

 The most common Hebrew word often translated  "forever" is 'oh-lam.'  As used in the Bible, it can refer to something that existed for a long time in the past or will exist long into the future, with no stated beginning or ending point.  (Joshua 24:2; Psalm 24:7. 9)  It can also  refer to something that is absolutely never ending.  It is in the sense that Jehovah is forever.  (Psalm 102:12, 24, 27) The New World Translation renders this Hebrew word with such terms as "forever," "lasting," "everlasting," or "long ago." The context determines which expression is used.

It is intriguing that some researchers point to scientific evidene that our brain has the capacity  to store  more information thatn we we can gather our present life span.  In 2010 an article in the journal Scientific American Mind said that one estimate  of the capacity of our brain was approximately 2.5 million gigabytes, the equivalent of three million hours (over 300 years) of recorded TV.  That figure may turn out to be a gross undderestimation.  However, it illustrates that Jehovah designed our brain to handle much more information than we acquire in just 70 or 80 years. - PSALM 90:10. 

Next time: We Can Live Forever - "Forever" in the Bible - Conclusion

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We Can Live Forever - We Were Created to Live Forever

 Jehovah created living things on earth with a limited life span, except for humans.  He gave them the unique prospect of never dying.  However, Jehovah warned Adam:"As for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you  must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die." (Genesis 2:17) Had Adam  and Eve obeyed  Jehovah, they would not have died.  It is reasonable to conclude that at some point, Jehovah would have allowed them to eat from  "the tree of life."  This would have meant that they had his assurance that they wouldl "live forever." - GENESIS 3:22.

Next time: We Can Live Forever - "Forever" in the Bible

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 Do you find it difficult to grasp the idea that Jehovah has existed  "for all eternity"?  (Isaiah 40:28) That is not unusual. Elihu said of God: "The number oif his years is beyond comprehension." (Job 36:26)  But just because we do not understand something does not mean that it is untrue.  For example, though we may not understand fully how light works, does this mean that light does not exist?  Not at all!  Similarly, we humans may never fully  comprehend how it is that Jehovah has always existed and will always exist. But this does  not mean that God does not live eternally.  The Creator is not limited by what he cano or cannot understand.  (Romans 11:33-36) And he existed before the material universe-including light sources such as the sun-came to be.  We are assured that Jehovah is "the Maker of the earth by his power." Yes, he existed before he "stretched out the heavens."  (Jeremiah 51:15; Acts 17:24)  What is another reason why we can be sure that it is possible for us to live forever?

Next time:We Can Live Forever - We Were Created to Live Forever

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We Can Live Forever

 "This means everlasting life." - JOHN 17:3.

JEHOVAH promises that those who obey him will have "everlasting life." (Romans 6:23) When we meditate on what Jeohovah is offering us, our love for him certainly grows stronger.  Just think: Our heavenly Father loves us so deeply that we will never be separated from him.

God's promise of everlastign life helps us to endure our current trials.  Even when our enemies threaten us with death, we will not compromise. Why? In part because we know that if we died faithful to Jehovah, he will raise us from the dead with the prospect of never dying. (John 5:28, 29; 1 Corinthians 15:55-58; Hebrews 2:15) Why ca we be certain that it is possible for  us to live forever? Consider the following reasons:

Next time: We Can Live Forever - JEHOVAH LIVES FOREVER

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Questions From Readers

He was speaking of himself in a modest way.According to some schoars, ther expression Paul uses here can have a derogatory connotation.  If Paul  had that in mind, he was acknowledging that he did not have the privilege he was given. In fact, he went on to say: "I am the least of the apostles, and I am not worthy of being called an apostle, because I persecuted the congregation of God. But by GOd's undeserved kindness I am what I am." - 1 CORINTHIANS 15:9, 10.

Consequently, it seems that Paul could hav been referring to the unexpected and abrupt manner in which Jesus appeared to him, the untimilness of his conversion, or the fact that he was spiritually unworthy to have such an amazing revelation.  Whatever the case, Paul clearly treasured this experience.  It proved to him beeyond a doubt that Jesus had been resurrected from the dead.  No wonder he often referered to this untimely experience when teaching others about Jesus' resurrection. - ACTS 22:6-11; 26:13-18.

Next time: We Can Live Forever

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Questions From Readers

His conversion was abrupt and traumatic. A premature birth often comes as a surprise. As Saul (who later became  known as Paul) traveled Damascus to persecute the Christians there, he was not expecting  to see a vision of  the resurrected Jesus.  Paul's conversion was a surprise  not only to him but also the Christians whom he was planning to terrorize in that city.  Additionally, this experience was so traumatic that he temporarily lost his sight. - ACTS 9:1-9, 17-19.

He was converted at "the wrong time." The original Greek word translated "one born prematurely" can also be rendered "one born at the wrong time."  The Jerusalem Bible puts it this way: "It was as though I was born when no one expected it." By the time of Paul's conversion, Jesus had already returned to heaven.  Unlike those whom Paul had referred to in the preceding verses, he had not seen the resurrected Jesus  prior to his ascension to heaven. (1 Corinthians15:4-8) Jesus' unexpected appearance to Paul granted him that opportunity. even though it seemed to be at "the wrong time." 

Next time: Questions From Readers - Conclusion 

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Questions From Readers

What did the apostle Paul mean when he referred himself as "one being born prematurely"? (1 Corinthians 15:8) 

According to 1 Corinthians 15:8, Paul stated:  "Last of all he appeared also to me as if to one born prematurely." In the past, we have explained that Paul was apparently referring to his own experience when he had a vision of Jesus in heavenly glory.  It was as if he had been granted the honor of being born, or resurrected, to  spirit life ahead of time, centuries before that type of resurrection was to occur.  However, further study of this verse points to a need to adjust the explanation of this verse.

It is true that Paul is here referring happened at his conversion. But what did he mean when he said that he was "born prematurely"?  There are several possibilities.

Next time: Questions From Readers -Continue

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 From 1995 to 2018, I visited verious branch offices as a  headquarters representative, formerly called a zone overseer. I met with the branch committed, Bethelites, and missionaries  to encourage them and to help the with any concerns.  In turn, Ruby and I have always been upbuilt by the experiences shared with us.  For example, we visited Rwanda in 2000.  We were deeply  moved to hear how the brothers and the Bethel family had lived through the genocide of 1994.  Many had lost loved ones. Despite what they endured, those brothers displayed faith, hope, and joy.

We are now in our 80's.  For the last 20 years, I have served with the United States Brance Committee.  I never received a university education; yet, I have received the highest education from Jehovah ad  his organizatio.  This has equipped me to teach others   Bible truths that can benefit them eternally.  (2 Corinthias 3:5; 2 Timothy 2:2) I have seen how the Bible's message has helped people to improve their life and to develop[ a relationship with their Creator.  (James 4:8) Whenever we can, Ruby and I continue to encourage others to cherish the privilege of learning about Jehovah and teaching Bible truths to other-the greates privilege a servant of Jehovah can enjoy!

Next time: Questions From Readers -What did the apostle Paul mean when he referred himself as "one born prematurely"?(1 Corinthians 15:8) 

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 In 1977 we were asked to come to Brooklyn Bethel for a few months to help with a project. When that was finished, two members of the Governing Body met with me and asked if Ruby and i would willing to serve permanently at Bethel. We accepted the invitation.

For 24 years, I worked in the Service Department, where brothers often deal with sensitive and complex questions.  Over the years, the Governing Body has provided guidaqnce in harmony with Bible principles.  This is used as a basis for answering questions, but it is also the basis for training circuit overseers, elders, and pioneers.  This training material has helped many to grow spiritually. That, in turn, has enriched Jehovah's organization.


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 In 1974 the Governing Body assigned another group of circuit overseers in the district work, and I was to serve again as a circuit overseer-this time in South Carolina.  Happily, by then the congregations and circuits could integrated, which pleased the brothers.

In late 1976, I was assinged to a Georgia circuit between Atlanta and Columbus.  I vividly remember giving the graveside service for five black children who had died when arsonists firebombed their home.  The mother was hospitialized because of her injuries. A constant stream of Jehovah's Witnesses, both black and white, came to the hospital to comfort the parents.  I saw that the brother's love was outstanding.  Such compassion can help God's servants to deal with the most difficult circumstances.


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