

 Let us go back in time two or three years and let us assume-as seems probable-that Lystra was Timothy's hometown. It was a small rustic town in a secluded, well-watered valley.  The people may have understood the Greek language, but they still spoke the local tongue, Lycaonian. One day, the quiet town was in a uproar. Two Christian missionaries, the apostle Paul and his traveling companion, Barnabas, arrived from Iconium, a larger city nearby. As they preached in public, Paul caught sight of a crippled man who showed no evidence of real faith. So Paul performed a miracle and healed the man! -ACTS 14:5-10.

Many of the people of Lystra evidently believed in local legends about gods disguised as humans coming to the region in times past. So the people mistook Paul for Hermes and Barnabas for Zeus! The two humble Christians could barely restrain the people from sacrificing to them. - ACTS 14:11-18. 


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IMITATE THEIR FAITH/TIMOTHY - "MY Beloved and Faithful Child in the Lord"

 TIMOTHY strode along the road leading away from home, his eyes eagerly focused on what lay ahead. His companions led the way as they transversed the fields Timothy knew so well. Slowl6 receding behind them was the city of Lystra, which sat atop a low hill on the valley floor. Timothy smiled as he thought of his mother and grandmother, beaming with pride and hiding their tears as they watched him go. Should he turn and wave -one last time?

Now and again, the apostle Paul would turn to Timothy and smile encouragingly. He knew that Timothy still had a measure of shyness to overcome, but he was pleased to see the young man's enthusiasm. Timothy was quite young, perhaps still in his late teens or early twenties, and he had tremendous respect and affection for Paul. Now Timothy was following this dynamic and faithful man on a journey that would take him hundreds of miles from home. They would travel on foot and ship, facing countless dangers on the way. Timothy could not really know whether he would ever see his home again. 

What led the young man to pursue such a course of life? What rewards could make such sacrifices worthwhile? And how can Timothy's faith influence our own?


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Context of Psalm 23:4 - Conclusion

 In the next two verses of Psalm 23, verses 5 and 6, the metaphor changes from that of a shepherd and his sheep to that of a host and his guest. Like that of a generous host, Jehovah treats David as an honored guest. Even David's enemies are powerless to prevent him from enjoying God's care.  At the end of the psalm, David expresses his confidence that God will show him goodness and love for the rest of his life.

The word pictures used in Psalm 23 describe the loving care God continues to provide for his worshippers.  - 1 PETER 2:25. 

Next time: IMITAT THEIR FAITH/TIMOTHY - "My Beloved and Faithful Child in the Lord" 

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Context of Psalm 23:4 -

 Psalm 23 was written by David, who was a shepherd in his youth and eventually became of the ancient nation of Israel. (1 Samuel  17:34, 35; 2 Samuel 7:8) The psalm begins by describing Jehovah as Shepherd who leads, feeds, and refreshed his worshippers, just as a literal shepherd does his sheep. -PSALM 23:1-3. 

In Psalm 23:4, when highlighting God's protection, David switched from referring to God in the third person (he) to the second person (you). That subtle change emphasizes the intimate relationship David had with Jehovah. David knew that God cared for hi and that He was aware of his personal trials. As a result, David feared no harm.

Next time: Context of 23:4 -Conclusion

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Meaning of Psalm 23:4 - Conclusion

 Note: For some reason, my bold and italics are not working. So please forgive if I cannot bold and italicize the passage in the title, i can  only get the bold and italics down in my paragraphs etc.

. He instructs and comforts them through his written Word, the Bible. -ROMANS 15:4.

. He listens to their prayers, granting the mental and emotional peace. - PHILIPPIANS 4:6, 7.

. He uses fellow worshippers to encourage them. - HEBREWS 10:24.

. He gives them the sure hope of a better future, when he will undo any harm they currently experience. -PSALM 37:29; REVELATION 21:3-5. 

Next time: Context of PSALM 23:4

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Meaning of Psalm 23:4

 Those who worship God enjoy his protective care-even while they endure difficult situations. The verse uses the metaphor of a sheep under a shepherd's care to illustrate how God looks after his worshippers. They do not feel alone when they face dire circumstances, described in this verse as a place of deep shadow or darkness and risk of death. They feel secure, as though God were right there with them.

In Bible times, a shepherd would use his rod or club to protect the sheep from predators. He would also use his staff generally a long pole with a crook at one end, to guide the sheep or pull them away from danger. Similarly, Jehovah God is like a loving Shepherd who protects and guides those who worship him. Even during the darkest days of their life, Jehovah cares for them in various ways.

Next time: Meaning of Psalm 23:4 -Conclusion

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BIBLE VERSES EXPLAINED/Psalm23:4 -"Though the Valley of the Shadow of Death"

 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me." -PSALM 23:4, King James Version.

"Though I walk through the shadow of death I will fear no harm, for you are with me; your rod and your staff reassure me." -PSALM 23:4, New World Translation.

Next time: Meaning of Psalm 23:4

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 As you study, look for ways to put what you learn into practice. For example, imitate Jehovah's justice by treating others impartially. Imitate Jesus' love for his Father and for others by being willing to suffer for Jehovah's name and by expending yourself in behalf of your fellow Christians. Also, imitate Jesus by witnessing to others so that they too have the opportunity to accept Jehovah's priceless gift. 

The more we understand and appreciate the ransom, the more we will love Jehovah and his Son. In turn, they will respond with increased love for us. (John14:21; James 4:8) So let us use Jehovah's provisions to keep learning about the ransom. The following article will consider some ways that we can benefit from the ransom and that we can respond appreciatively to Jehovah's love. 

Next time: BIBLE VERSES EXPLAINED/Psalm 23:4- "Through I Walk Through the Shadow of Death" 

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 You can keep learning about the love that Jehovah and Christ Jesus have for is of us if you continue to meditate on it. Perhaps during this year's Memorial season, you can carefully read one or more of the Gospels. Do not try to cover too much material at one time. Instead, slow down and look for additional reasons by we should love Jehovah and Jesus. And by all means, share what you learn with others. 

If you have been in the truth for many years, you might wonder if it is possible to discover new insights on such familiar subjects as God's justice, his love and the ransom. The truth is no end to what we learn about these and other topics. So, what can you do? Take full advantage of the wealth of information that can be found in our publications. When you find a passage that you do not fully understand, do research. Then throughout the day, meditate on what you have discovered and what it tells you about Jehovah, his Son, and their love for you. -Read PSALM 119:97. and footnote.

Do not be discouraged if you do not find something new or exciting every time you sit down to read or to do research. In a sense, you are like person who pans for gold. Patiently, prospectors spend hours of days before finding even the smallest nugget of gold. Yet, they persist because every bit gold is valuable to them. Of how much greater value is every gem of Bible truth! (Psalm 119:127; Proverbs 8:10) So be patient and stick to your Bible reading schedule. - PSALM 1:2. 

Next time: NEVER STOP LEARNING - Conclusion

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Jesus' Integrity Vindicated Jehovah's Name

 By remaining faithful under test, Jesus refuted the Devil's claim that humans would not remain loyal to God when under trial. (Job 2:4, 5) Jesus also showed that Adam was to blame for his sin, not Jehovah. Jesus thus proved that perfect Adam could have been faithful if he had wanted to be and there was nothing faulty in how Jehovah treated Adam.

The ransom teaches us that Jesus cares deeply for people, especially for his disciples. (Proverbs 8:31; read John 13:1.) For example, Jesus knew that some aspects of his earthly ministry would be very challenging, in particularly his painful death. Yet, in carrying out is assignment on earth, he did not simply go through the motions. Instead, Jesus put his whole heart into preaching, teaching, and ministering to others. Even on the death of his death, Jesus took time to wash the feet of his apostles and give them many parting words of comfort and instruction. (John 13:12-15) Then while he was on the stake, Jesus took a few moments to give hope to a dying criminal and to arrange for his mother's care. (Luke 23:42, 43; John19:26, 27) Thus Jesus' deep love was expressed not only through his death but also through his entire life course on earth.

While Christ died "once for all time," he is still making sacrifices for us. (Romans 6:10) How so? He continues to expend time and effort as he puts the ransom benefits to work in our behalf. Consider what he is busy doing. He serves our King, High Priest, and head of the congregation. (1 Corinthians 15:25; Ephesians 5:23; Hebrews 2:17) He is in charge of the work of gathering the anointed and the great crowd, a task that will be completed before the great tribulation ends.  (Matthew 25+:32; Mark 13:27) He also sees that his faithful servants are well-fed spiritually during these last days. (Matthew 25:32;) And throughout his Millennial Reign, he will continue to serve our interests. Jehovah truly gave his Son for us!


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Jesus cares very deeply about his Father's reputation. (John 14:31) Jesus was grieved that his being charged with blasphemy and sedition could bring reproach to his Father's name. That is why he prayed: "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from me." (Matthew 26:39) By keeping his integrity to Jehovah until death, Jesus ultimately vindicated the name of his Father. 

Next time: JESUS' Integrity Vindicate Jehovah's Name

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 Let us not think that because God is almighty, he does not have feelings! We are made in his image, created with the ability to feel, so it stands to reason that Jehovah has feelings. The Bible describes him as feeling "hurt" and "grieved." (Psalm 78:40, 41) Consider, too, the experience Abraham and Isaac. You will recall that Abraham was commanded to offer up his only son in sacrifice. (Genesis 22:9-12; Hebrews 11:17-19) We can only imagine the range of emotions Abraham felt as he prepared to end Issac's life with a quick stroke of a knife. How much more grieved Jehovah must have felt as he observed his Son being cruelly tortured to death by ungodly men! See on jw.org the video Imitate Their Faith-Abraham, Part 2. 

The ransom teaches us that no one loves us as much as Jehovah does-not even our dearest relative or best friend. (Read Romans 8:32, 38, 39.) No doubt Jehovah loves us more than we love ourselves. Do you want to live forever? Not as much as Jehovah wants you to. Do you want your sins forgiven? Not as much as Jehovah wants to forgive them. All he asks is that we accept his gracious gift by exercising faith and being obedient. The ransom is truly a profound expression of God's love. And in the new world, we will learn even more about Jehovah's love. - ECCLESIASTES 3:11. 


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 While the ransom helps us to understand that Jehovah is just, it especially helps us to grasp the dept of his love.  (John 3:16; read 1 John 4:9, 10) The teaching of the ransom reveals that Jehovah wants us not only to have endless life but also to be part of his family.  Consider when Adam sinned, Jehovah expelled him from His family of worshippers. As a result, all of us have been born outside of God's family. But on the basis of the ransom, Jehovah forgives our sins and will eventually bring into his family all mankind who exercise faith and are obedient. Even now we can have a warm relationship with Jehovah and with our fellow worshippers. Truly, we are recipients of Jehovah's tender love! -ROMANS 5:10, 11. 

We can better understand how much Jehovah loves us if we consider what the ransom cost him. Satan claims that no servant of God will remain loyal to Him when it is hard to do so. To refute that charge, Jehovah allowed Jesus to suffer before he died. (Job 2:1-5; 1 Peter 2:21) As Jehovah looked on, Jesus was mocked by religious opposers, whipped raw by soldiers, and nailed to a stake. Then Jehovah watched as his dear Son was left to suffer a painful death. (Matthew 27:28-31, 39) Jehovah had the power to stop the process at any given point. For example. when opposers said: "Let [God] now rescue him if he wants him. "Jehovah could have done just that. (Matthew 27:42, 43) However, if God had stepped in, no ransom would have been paid and we would have left without hope. So Jehovah permitted his Son to endure suffering until he drew his last breath.


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 The ransom teaches us about Jehovah's justice. (Deuteronomy 32:4) How so? Consider: From disobedient Adam, we inherited sin that leads to death. (Romans 5:12) To set us free from sin and death, Jehovah arranged for Jesus to provide the ransom. But how could the sacrifice of one perfect human redeem millions of people? The apostle Paul explains: "Just as through the disobedience of one man [Adam] many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one person [Jesus] many will be made righteous." (Romans 5:19; 1 Timothy 2:6) In other words, it took one disobedient perfect man to cause us to become enslaved to sin and death. Therefore, it took one obedient perfect man to set us free. 

Did Jesus really have to die in order to save us? Couldn't Jehovah have simply decided to allow righthearted members of Adam's offspring to live forever? To imperfect humans, that would seem to be the kind and reasonable thing to do. But it does not take into account Jehovah's perfect justice. Because Jehovah is just, he would never choose to ignore Adam's glaring act of disobedience.

What, though, if Jehovah had not provided a ransom but had set justice aside by allowing Adam's imperfect sons and daughters to live forever? People would likely wonder if God might disregard justice in other matters as well. For example, might he fail to keep some of his promises? We need not worry about such a possibility. The fact that Jehovah carried out justice even at a great cost to himself-sacrificing his own dear Son-assures us that he will always do what is right.


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What Does Ransom Teach Us?

 "By this the love of God was revealed." - 1 JOHN 4:9.

SURELY you agree that the ransom is a priceless gift! (2 Corinthians 9:15) Because Jesus sacrificed his human life, you can have a close friendship with Jehovah God. You can also have the prospect of everlasting life. How fitting it is that we show gratitude for the ransom and for Jehovah, who was moved by love to provide it! (Romans 5:8) To help us remain grateful and never take the ransom for granted, Jesus instituted the annual Memorial of his death. - LUKE 22:19, 20.

This year, the Memorial will be observed on Saturday, April 12, 2025.  No doubt all of us are planning to attend. We will benefit greatly if we take time during the Memorial season to meditate on what Jehovah and his Son have done for us. In this article, we will discuss what the ransom teaches us about Jehovah and his Son. In the following article we will helped to understand how we can benefit from that ransom and how we can show our gratitude for it.


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Context of Joshua 1:9

 After Moses' death, Jehovah directed that Joshua lead the nation of Israel. (Joshua 1:1, 2) At that time, the Israelites were poised to enter the Promised Land, the Land of Canaan. But powerful enemies stood before them. For example, Joshua had to wage war against the Canaanites who were exceedingly wicked. (Deuteronomy 9:5; 20:17, 18) The Canaanites were also more numerous and better equipped militarily than the Israelites. (Joshua 9:1, 2; 17:18) But Joshua courageously followed Jehovah's instructions. And God did prove to be with him, for the Israelites conquered the majority of their enemies in just six years. - JOSHUA 21:43, 44.

Next time: What Does the Ransom Teach Us?

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BIBLE VERSES EXPLAINE/Meaning of Joshua 1:9

 How could Joshua "be courageous and strong"? He could draw courage and strength from the inspired writings that Jehovah had provided at that time. This included "the entire Law that Moses [Jehovah's] servant commanded [Joshua]."  (Joshua 1:7) Jehovah told Joshua to read it in an undertone ["meditate on it," New International Version] day and night." (Joshua 1:8) Such reading and meditation fortified Joshua's mind and heart to do God's will. Joshua then needed to act on what he learned in God's Word, to "observe carefully all that [was] written in it." If he did so, then he would act wisely and be successful. And that is exactly what happened. Although he faced challenges, Joshua lived a full and satisfying life as a faithful worshipper of Jehovah. - JOSHUA 23:14; 24:15. 

Jehovah's words to Joshua continue to be encouraging today. They reveal how much Jehovah cares for all his worshippers, especially when they face challenges. He wants them to be successful just as Joshua was! And like Joshua, they can "be courageous and strong" by regularly reading and meditating God's Word, the Bible, and then acting in harmony with is direction.

Next time: Contexts of Joshua 1:9

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BIBLE VERSES EXPLAINED/Joshua 1:9 -"Be Strong and Courageous

 "Have I not commanded you? Be courageous and strong. Do not be struck with terror or fear, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go." - JOSHUA 1:9, New World Translation.

With these words, Jehovah God assured his worshipper Joshua that he could "be courageous and strong" despite facing challenging circumstances and seemingly overwhelming obstacles. Joshua had no reason to be afraid of the future if he obeyed God's commands, because it would be as if Jehovah were right there with him and by giving him victory over his enemies.

Next time: BIBLE VERSES EXPLAINED/Joshua 1:9 -"Be Strong and Courageous - Conclusion

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Are Demons Real/The Bible's answer

 Yes. Demons are "angels that sinned," spirit creatures who rebelled against God. (2 Peter 2:4) The first angel to make himself into a demon was Satan the Devil, whom the Bible calls "the ruler of the demons. " -MATTHEW 12:24, 26.

Rebellion in Noah's day

The Bible records a rebellion by angels before the Flood of Noah's day: "The sons of the true God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose." (Genesis 6:2) Those wicked, or fallen angels "forsook their proper dwelling place" in heaven and materialized human bodies in order to have sex with women. -JUDE6.

When the Flood came the rebellious angels abandoned their human bodies and returned to heaven. However, God expelled them from his family. As part of their punishment, the demons are prevented from ever taking on human form. - EPHESIANS 6:11, 12.

Next time: BIBLE VERSES EXPLAINED/Joshua 1:9 -"Be Strong and Courageous"

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Is the Bible a Book of Human WIsdom?/The Bible's answer - Conclusion

 . The Bible has one central theme: the vindication of God's right to rule mankind and the fulfillment of his purpose by means of his heavenly Kingdom.

Although written thousands of years ago, the Bible is free of mistaken scientific ideas that had gained wide acceptance in ancient times.

Documental historical evidence proves that Bible prophecies, or predictions, have come true.

Next time: Are Demons Real?/The Bible's answer

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Is the Bible a Book of Human Wisdom?/The Bible's answer

 The Bible also known as the Holy Scriptures, does contain many wise sayings. However, note the claim that the Bible makes for itself: "All Scripture is inspired of God." (2 Timothy 3:16) There is much evidence to back up that claim. Consider the following: 

. No one has ever successfully challenged the historical accuracy of the Bible.

. The Bible writers were honest men who wrote the openness of heart. Their candor gives their writing the clear ring of truth. 

Next time: Is the Bible a Book of Human Wisdom?/The Bible's answer - Conclusion

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 If you have followed the steps outlined above, you are ready to make a wise decision. You have obtained the facts and examined the principles that will help you to make a decision that is pleasing to Jehovah/ Now you ask Jehovah to help to make your decision to succeed.

Even if you have made many successful decisions in the past, remember that the key to making good decisions is to rely, not on your own intelligence or experience, but on the wisdom from Jehovah. He alone can give you true knowledge, understanding, and discernment-the building blocks of wisdom. (Proverbs 2:1-5) Jehovah can help you to make decisions that please him. -PSALM 23:2, 3.

Next time: Is the Bible a book of Human Wisdom?/The Bible's answer

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 Discernment also moves us to consider how our decision might affect other people so that we can avoid "stumbling others." (Philippians 1:10) This is important when we make personal decisions in such areas as dress and grooming. For example, we may prefer a particular style of clothing or grooming. What if others inside or outside the congregation would be offended by it? Discernment will help us to respect their feelings. Love will motivate us to see the advantage of "the other person" and to be modest. (1 Corinthians 10:23, 24, 32; 1 Timothy 2:9, 10) We will then make a decision that reflects our love and respect for others.

If you are making a major decision, think about what it would take to implement it. Jesus taught us to "calculate the expense." (Luke 14:28) So consider the amount of time, resources, and effort that you would need to invest to make the decision work. In some cases, you might consult your family to determine what each member would need to support the decision. Why is this kind planning valuable? It may reveal that your decision needs some adjustments or that a different option is more practical. And when you involve your family member and listen to their input, they will more readily work with you to make a decision succeed.  - PROVERBS 25:22.


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Once you have considered the Bible principles involved in your decision, you need to evaluate your options. (Read Philippians 1:9, 10; see study note on "full discernment.") The quality of discernment will enable you to perceive the potential of each option. Sometimes the decision can be easily made. But not all decisions are that straightforward. Discernment will help to you to make wise decisions even in complex situations. 

Consider this scenario. You are looking for a job to support your family. Two jobs are available.  You review all the facts, taking note of the type of work, the schedule, the travel time, and so on. In both cases, the work itself is Scripturally acceptable. Perhaps you favor one option because you prefer the type of work or because the salary is higher. There are other factors, though, to consider before making a decision.

For example, would job conflict with you congregation meeting schedule? Would either job cut into the time you need to care for your family's emotional and spiritual needs? Asking such questions will help you to put "the more important things"-your worship and your family's needs -ahead of material advantages. Then you can reach a decision that Jehovah will bless.

Next time: WEIGH THE OPTIONS -Conclusion

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 How can we be sure that our decision will please Jehovah? First of all, we need to get to know him well. "Knowledge of the Most Holy One is understanding," the Bible says. (Proverbs 9:10) Yes, true understanding comes from knowing Jehovah's qualities, his purpose, and what he loves or hates. Ask yourself, 'Knowing what I do about Jehovah, what decision can I make that will please him?' - Read EPHESIANS 5:17. 

In order to please Jehovah, we must at times disappoint those who close to us. For example, some well-meaning parents may insist that their daughter marry a man who is financially well-off-or one who can pay a large dowry-even though he is not spiritually strong. True, they want their daughter to be cared for materially, but who will help her progress as a spiritual person? How does Jehovah view the matter? We find the answer at Matthew 6:33. There Christians are urged to keep "seeking first the Kingdom." Although we honor our parents and respect the people in our community, our main concern is to make Jehovah happy.


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 Ask Jehovah to help you understand his thinking. Jehovah promises to give us the wisdom to discern whether a certain path will please him. He gives such wisdom "generously to all and without reproaching." -Read JAMES 1:5. 

Once you have prayed for Jehovah's direction, pay careful attention to his answer. To illustrate: If you get lost while traveling, you might ask a local resident for help. But would you then walk away before he had a chance to reply?  Of course not. You would listen carefully to his directions. Similarly, after you ask Jehovah for wisdom, try to discern his answer by finding out which Bible laws and principles to apply to your situation. For example, when deciding whether to attend the social gathering mentioned earlier. You might consider what the Bible says about wild parties, bad associations, and the need to put Kingdom interest ahead of your personal preferences. - MATTHEW 6:33; ROMANS 13:13; 1 CORINTHIANS 15:33.

Still, at times you may need help to find the information you are looking for. You might get input from an experienced brother or sister. However, you will also benefit from doing your own research. There is a wealth of information in our study tools, such as the Research Guide for Jehovah's Witnesses and Scriptures for Christian Living. Remember the goal:  to make a decision that will please Jehovah. 


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Make Decisions That Please Jehovah - GET THE FACTS

 The first step toward making a good decision is to get the facts. Why is this important? Imagine that a patient consults a doctor regarding a serious medical treatment. Would the doctor make a decision about a course of treatment without first examining the patient or asking him questions? Certainly not. You too will make better decisions if you first consider the facts that have a bearing on the situation at hand. How can you do that?

You can often get the facts by asking questions. Suppose you are invited to a social gathering. Should you attend? If you are not acquainted with the host or the arrangements, you will need to ask him such questions as: "Where and when with the gathering be held? How large will it be? Who will supervise it? Who will attend? What activities are planned? Will alcoholic drinks be served?" The answers to these questions will you make a wise decision. - Read PROVERBS 18:13. 

Next, facts in hand, look carefully at the full picture. For example, what if you learn that individuals who have no regard for Bible principles will attend the gathering or that alcohol beverages will be served without supervision? Do you see the potential for this gathering to turn into a wild party? (1 Peter4:3) On the other hand, what if the timing of the gathering conflicts with your scheduled congregation meeting or field ministry? When you have seen the whole picture, you will be well on your way to making a good decision. But there is another step that you should take. You know how you see the situation; but how does Jehovah feel about it? -PROVERBS 2:6. 


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Make Decisions That Please Jehovah

 "The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Most Holy One is understanding." - PROVERBS 9:10.

Every Day we need to make decisions. Some are relatively easy to make, such as what to have for breakfast or when to go to bed. Other matters are more difficult to decide. They may affect our health, our happiness, our loved ones, or our worship. We want our decisions to benefit us and our family. Above all, we hope that our decisions will please Jehovah.  - ROMANS 12:1, 2

You are more likely to make a wise decision if you )1) get the facts, (2) consider Jehovah's thinking on the matter, and (3) weigh options. This article will discuss those steps, and it will also help us see how we can train our powers of discernment. - PROVERBS 2:11. 

Next time: Make Decisions That Please Jehovah - GET THE FACTS

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Misconceptions About the Nephilim

Misconception: The Nephilim were fallen angels.

Fact: The context of Genesis 6:4 indicates that the Nephilim were, not angels, but hybrid offspring born from sexual relations between angels and women. After the angels "began taking as wives all whom they chose," Jehovah said that in 120 years he would take action against the ungodly world of that time. (Genesis 6:1-3) The account adds that "in those days," the materialized angels" continued to have relations with the daughters of men" and the produced "the mighty ones of old times," the Nephilim. - Genesis 6:4.

Next time: Make Decisions That Please Jehovah

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Misconceptions About the Nephilim - Continue

 Misconception: The Nephilim were fathered by humans.

Fact: Their fathers are "called sons of the true God." (Genesis 6:2) The Bible uses this same expression to describe angels. (Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7) Angels had the power to materialize in human form. (Genesis 19:1-5; Joshua 5:13-15) The apostle Petere spoke of "the spirits in prison, who had formerly been disobedient when God was patiently waiting in Noah's day.: (1 Peter 3:19, 20) Referring to the same circumstances, the Bible writer Jude explains that some angels "did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place." - JUDE 6. 

Next time: Misconceptions About the Nephilim - Conclusion

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Misconceptions About the Nephilim

 Misconception: The Nephilim are still alive today. 

Fact: Jehovah caused a global flood to destroy that violent ancient world. The Nephilim were wiped out along with all the wicked people. In contrast, Noah and his family found favor with Jehovah and were the only ones preserved at that time.

Next time: Misconceptions About the Nephilim - Continue

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Who Were the Nephilim?/The Bible's answer -Conclusion

 The hybrids born from this unnatural union were no ordinary children. (Genesis 6:4) The Nephilim were giant bullies, tyrants who filled the earth with violence. (Genesis 6:13) The Bible describes them as "the mighty ones of fame." (Genesis 6:4) They left behind a legacy of violence and fear. - GENESIS 6:5; Numbers 13:33.

Next time: Misconceptions About the Nephilim

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Who Were the Nephilim?/The Bible's answer

The Nephilim were giants, the violent offspring produced when wicked angels mated with human women in the days of Noah.

The Bible account says that "the sons of the true God began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful." (Genesis 6:2) Those 'sons of God' were actually spirit creatures who rebelled against God when they "forsook their own proper dwelling place" in heaven, materialized human bodies, and "began taking wives all whom they chose. " - JUDE 6; GENESIS 6:2. 

Next time: Who Were the Nephilim?/ The Bible's answer - Conclusion

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What Will God's Kingdom Accomplish?/The Bible's answer

 . Eliminate disease. "No resident will say: 'I am sick." - ISAIAH 33:24. 

. Set us free from the aging process. "Let this flesh become fresher than in youth; let him return to the days of his youthful vigor." -JOB 3325.

. Bring the dead back to life. "All those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus'] voice and come out." - JOHN 5:28, 29. 

Next time: Who Were the Nephilim? 

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What Will God's Kingdom Accomplish?/The Bible's answer

 . Bring prosperity and security to the earth. "Everyone will live in peace among their own vineyards and fig, and no one will make them afraid." -MICAH 4:4, Good New Translation.

. Make the earth into a paradise. "Thirsty desserts will be glad; barren lands will celebrate and blossom with flowers. - ISAIAH 35:1, Contemporary English Version.

. Provide everyone with meaningful enjoyable work. "The work of their own hands [God's] chosen ones will use to the full. They will not toil for nothing." -  ISAIAH65:21-23.

Next time: What Will God's Kingdom Accomplish?/The Bible's answer- Conclusion

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What Will God's Kingdom Accomplish?/The Bible's answer

 God's Kingdom will replace all human governments and rule over the entire earth. (Daniel 2:44; Revelation 16:14) Once that happens, God's Kingdom will . . . 

. Remove the wicked, who's selfishness harms us all. "As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth." - PROVERBS 2:22.

. End all wars. "[God] is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth." - PSALM 46:9. 

Next time: What Will God's Kingdom Accomplish?/The Bible's answer -Continue

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What Is the Kingdom of God?/The Bible's answer - Continue

 . Duration. Unlike any human governments, which come and 

    go, God's Kingdom "will never be brought to ruin." - DANIEL 2:44.

. Subjects. Anyone who does what God requires can be a subject of God's Kingdom, without regard for ancestry or birthplace. - ACTS 10:34, 35.

. Law. The laws (or commandments) of God's Kingdom do     

   more than just prohibit wrong behavior. They raise the 

   moral character of its subjects. For example, the Bible     says: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your mind.' This is the greatest and first commandment. The second is like it, is this, 'You must love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39) Love of God and your neighbor moves subjects of the Kingdom to act in the best interest of others. 

. Education. While God's Kingdom set high standards for its subjects, it also teaches people how to meet those standards. - ISAIAH 48:17, 18. 

. Mission. The Kingdom of God doesn't enrich its rulers at the expense of its subjects. Instead, it will accomplish God's will including the promise that those who love him will live forever on a paradise earth.  -ISAIAH 35:1, 5, 6; MATTHEW 6:10; REVELATION21:1-4.

Next time: What Will God's Kingdom Accomplish?/ The Bible's answer

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What Is the Kingdom of God?

 The Bible's answer 

God's Kingdom is a real government established by Jehovah God.  "The Kingdom of God" is also called "The Kingdom of heaven" in the Bible, since it rules from heaven. (Mark 1:14, 15; Matthew 4:17, King James Version) It shares many attributes of human governments, yet it is superior to them in every way.

. Rulers. God has appointed Jesus Christ as King of the Kingdom and has given more authority than any human ruler could ever have. (Matthew 28:18) Jesus uses this power only for good, since he has already proved to be a reliable and compassionate Leader. (Matthew 4:23; Mark 1:40, 41; 6:31-34; Luke 7:11-17) Under God's direction, Jesus has selected persons from all nations who will "rule as kings" over the earth "with him in heaven. - REVELATION 5:9, 10. 

Next time: What Is the Kingdom of God?/The Bible's answer -Continue

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Christians must be gracious when dealing with others. (Colossians 4:6) How can a husband apply that counsel when speaking to or about his wife? 

1. Imitate Jehovah by speaking politely, using words such as "please" and "thank you." (Genesis 13:14; 15:5) Doing this is more than just being polite. It shows respect for your wife. 

2. Praise your wife for the good things she does. (Proverbs 31:28, 29) Avoid revealing her faults to others. - PROVERBS 50:20.

3.  "Be quick to listen, slow to speak." - JAMES 1:19. 

4. Speak in a mild manner even when discussing emotionally 

     charged topics. - COLOSSIANS 3:8, 12. 

Next time: What Is the Kingdom of God?/The Bible's answer

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 Be kind and respectful. A husband who loves his wife values and cherishes her. He views her as a priceless gift from Jehovah. (Proverbs 18:22; 31:10) As a result, he treats her kindly and respectfully, even during the most intimate and private aspects of marriage. He will not pressure her or engage in sexual acts that make her feel uncomfortable, that are demeaning or bother her conscience. He too will strive to maintain a clear conscience before Jehovah. -ACTS 24:16. 

Husbands, you can be sure that Jehovah sees and appreciates your efforts to honor your wife in all aspects of your life. Be determined to honor her by avoiding dishonorable conduct by being kind, respectful, and affectionate to her.  In doing so, you show her that you love and value her. Honor your wife, and you will protect your most important relationship-your friendship with Jehovah. - PSALM 25:14.


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 Show affection. Some happily married brothers make it a habit to do something every day to show their wife how much they love her.  (John 3:18) A husband may show tender affection for his wife in small ways, such as by holding her hand or giving her a warm embrace. He may send her a text message and tell her "I miss you" or ask "How is your day going?" From time to time, he may express his love for her by writing some well-chosen words on a card. When a husband does these things, he honors his wife and strengthens their marriage.

Express appreciations. husband who honors his wife builds her up and encourages her. One way he does this is by remembering to show appreciation for all that she does to support him. (Colossians 3:15) When a husband sincerely praises his wife, he warms her heart. She will feel secure, loved, and honored. - PROVERBS 31:28.

Next time: HOW TO HONOR YOUR WIFE - Conclusion

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 Jesus instructed husbands to remain loyal to their wife. He quoted his Father who said that a husband should "stick to his wife." (Read Matthew 19:4-6.) The Greek verb used in that passage for "stick to" literally means "to glue." Therefore, the marital bond between a husband and wife should be so strong that it is as if they were glued together. Their bond cannot be broken without damaging both of them. A husband who develops such a bond with his wife will reject all forms of pornography. He will immediately turn away from "looking at what is worthless." (Psalm 119:37) In effect, he makes a contract with his eyes not to look passionately at any woman other than his wife. - JOB 31:1. 

A husband who physically or verbally abuses his wife needs to take additional steps to repair his relationship with Jehovah and with his wife. What are these steps? First, he recognizes that he has a serious problem. Nothing is hidden from Jehovah's sight. (Psalm44:21; Ecclesiastes 12:14; Hebrews 4:13) Second, he stops abusing his wife and changes his behavior. (Proverbs 28:13) Third, he apologizes to his wife and to Jehovah for both the desire to change and the help to control his thoughts, speech, and actions. (Psalm 51:10-12; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Philippians 2:13) Fourth, he acts in harmony with his prayers by learning to hate all forms of violence and abusive speech. (Psalm 97:10) Fifth, he seeks immediate help from loving shepherds in the congregation.  (James 5:14-16) Sixth, he develops a plan that will help him to avoid all such behavior in the future. A husband who views pornography should follow these same steps. Jehovah will bless his efforts to change his behavior. (Psalm 37:5) But it is not enough for a husband to reject dishonorable. He also needs to learn how to show honor to his wife. How can do that? 


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 What can help a husband to overcome abusive and demeaning behavior. He can strive to imitate Jesus. Although Jesus never married, the way he treated his disciples is a model for how a husband should treat his wife. (Ephesians 5:25) For example, consider what husbands can learn from the way Jesus treated his apostles and from the way he spoke to them.

Jesus treated his apostles in a kind and dignified way. He was never harsh or domineering. Although he was their Lord and Master, Jesus did not feel the need to prove his authority over them through displays of power. Instead, he humbly served them.  (John 13:12-17) He told his disciples: "Learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for yourselves." (Matthew 11:28-30) Note that Jesus was mild-tempered. A mild person is not weak. Rather he has the inner strength to show restraint. When provoked, he remains calm and in control of his emotions. 

Jesus used his words to comfort and refresh others. He did not speak harshly to his followers. (Luke 8:47, 48) Even when opposers insulted him and tried to provoke him, "he did not insult them in return." (1 Peter 2:2-23) At times, Jesus even chose to remain silent rather than reply harshly. (Matthew 27:12-14) What an excellent example for Christian husbands!


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 Viewing pornography. How does Jehovah feel about pornography? He hates it. So a husband who views unclean images damages his relationship with Jehovah and degrades his wife not only in actions but also in thoughts. Jesus said that a man who looks at a woman in a passionate way has already committed adultery "in his heart." - MATTHEW 5:28, 29. 

Being sexually demeaning.  Some husbands pressure their wife to engage in sexual acts that are demeaning and that make her feel unclean or unloved. Jehovah hates such cold and thoughtless behavior. He expects a husband to love and cherish his wife and to respect her feeling. (Ephesians 5:28, 29) What if a Christian husband is already demeaning or abusive toward his wife or views pornography? How can he change his thinking and actions?


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 Being physically abusive. Jehovah hates anyone who is violent. (Psalm 22:5) He specifically condemns husbands who abuse their wife. (Malachi 2:16; read Colossians 3:19.) According to our theme scripture, 1 Peter3:7, if a husband does not treat his wife well, his relationship with God will be affected. Jehovah may not even listen to his prayers. 

Being verbally abusive. Some husbands abuse their wife with angry words and hurtful speech. But Jehovah hates "anger, wrath, screaming, and hurtful speech." (Read Ephesians 4:31, 32.) He hears everything. The way a husband speaks to his wife, even in the privacy of their home, matters to Jehovah. A husband who speaks harshly to his wife damages not only his marriage but also his friendship with God. - JAMES 1:26. 


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