

 There is still another way that we can respond to Jehovah's love. It is by using this Memorial season to show Jehovah how grateful we are the ransom. In addition to planning to be present for the Memorial we can invite others to attend. (1 Timothy 2:4) Explain to those whom you invite what will take place at the Memorial. You will find it helpful to show them on jw.org the videos Why Did Jesus Die? and Remember Jesus' Death. Elders should be sure to invite inactive ones. Imagine the joy both in heaven and on earth if some of Jehovah's lost sheep are moved to return to his flock! (Luke 15:4-7) At the Memorial, let us make a point to greet not only one another but especially those who have not attended in a long time. We want to make feel welcome! -ROMANS 12:13.

Can you increase your spiritual activities during the Memorial season? Doing so is a fine way to express appreciation for all that God and Christ have done for us. The more we engage in Jehovah's service, the more we will experience his support and, as a result, our confidence in him will grow stronger. (1 Corinthians 3:9) Also, be sure to keep up with the Memorial Bible reading as listed in Examining the Scriptures Daily or i the chart found in the midweek meeting workbook. You may even choose to use those Bible passages as the basis for a study project.

Next time: RESPOND TO JEHOVAH'S LOVE - Conclusion

From jw.org publications

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