

Those who became Christian disciples in Lystra must have been thrilled to learn of the hope that was held out to Christ's followers. But they learned too, that discipleship would exact a price. Fanatic Jewish opposers from Iconium and Antioch came into town, and they stirred up those volatile people, turning them against Paul and Barnabas. Before long, violent crowds came after Paul, hurling stones at him. Struck repeatedly, he fell to the ground. The mob dragged him outside the city and left him for dead. - ACTS 14:19.

However, the disciples in Lystra went out to Paul surrounding him. How relieved they must have been when he stirred, got up, and then courageously went right back into Lystra! The next day, he and Barnabas left for the town of Derbe to continue their preaching. After making new disciples there as well, they again braved danger and returned to Lystra. To what end? "They strengthened the disciples," the account tells us, "encouraging them to remain in the faith." Imagine young Timothy listening, wide-eyed, as Paul and Barnabas taught those Christians that their glorious hope for the future was well worth the present cost. They said: "We must enter into the Kingdom of God through many tribulations. - ACTS 14:20-22.

Timothy had seen Paul live up to those words, facing tribulation bravely in order to share the good news with others. So Timothy knew that if he followed Paul's example, the people of Lystra would oppose him, and his father might oppose him as well. But Timothy was not going to allow such pressures to influence his decision about how to serve God. Today, there are many young people like Timothy. Wisely, they seek out friends with strong faith, who will encourage and strengthen them. And they do not let opposition turn them away from serving the true God!


From the jw.org publications

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