
Continue with Jesus Christ Our Questions Answered

Was Jesus the promised Messiah?

Answer:  Yes.  Bible prophecies foretold the coming of the Messiah, or Christ, meaning "Anointed One."  This Promised One would play a key role in fulfilling Jehovah's purpose.  On one occasion, a certain Samarita woman told Jesus:  "I know that Messiah is coming, who is called Christ."  Jesus then told her plainly:  "I who am speaking to you am he." -John 4:25, 26.

Is there any proof that Jesus was indeed the Messiah?  There are three lines of evidence that together provide overwhelming evidence, like the pattern of a fingerprint that identifies but one person.  Does Jesus match the pattern?  Consider:

*  His lineage.  The Bible foretold that the Messiah would descend from Abraham through the family line of David.  (Genesis 22:18; Psalm 132:11, 12) Jesus was  a descendant of both. -Matthew 1:1-16; Lukew 3:23-38.

*  Fulfilled prophecies.  The Hebrew Scriptures contain dozens of prophecies about the Messiah's life on earth, including details about his birth and death. Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies.  Among them: He was born in Bethlehem.  (Micah 5:2; Luke 2:4-11)  He was called out of Egypt (Hosea 11:1; Matthew 2:15), and he was executed withough any of his bone broken.  (Psalm 34:20; John 19:33, 36) There is simply no way that Jesus could have maneuvered his life to fit the factors needed to fulfill all the Messanic prophecies.

*  God's own testimony.  At the time of Jesus' birth, God dispatched angels to tell shepherds that the Messiah had been born.  (Luke 2:10-14) On several occasions during Jesus' ministry, God himself spoke from heaven, expressing his approval of Jesus.  (Matthew 3:16, 17; 17:1-5)  Jehovah enabled Jesus to perform powerful miracles, providing further proof that Jesus was the Messiah. -Acts 10:38.

Why did Jesus have to suffer and die?

Answer:  As a sinless man, Jesus did not deserve to suffer.  Neither did he deserve to be nailed to a stake as a common criminal  and be left there to die a shameful death.  Still, jesus expected such mistreatment and willingly submitted to it. -Matthew 20:17-19; 1 Peter 2:21-23.

Messanic prophecies foretold that the Messiah would have to suffer and die to cover the sins of others.  (Isaiah 53:5; Daniel 9:24, 26)  Jesus himself said that he came  "to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many."  (Matthew 20:28)  Those putting faith in the redeeming value of his sacrificial death have the prospect of being rescued from sins and death and living forever in Paradise on earth. -John 3:16; 1 John 4:9, 10.

Next time: Conclusion of Jesus Christ Our Questions Answered

The Watchtower, 2012

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