

"Always rejoice in the Lord.  Once more I will say, Rejoice!" -Philippians 4:4

JAMES, a 70 year old Christian living in Sierra Leone, hade worked hard all his life.  Imagine his joy when he had finally saved up enough money  to purchase a modest four-room house!  Some time after James and his family moved in, however, civil war broke out in that country, and their home was burned to the ground.  They lost their house, but they did not lose their joy.  Why not? 

James and his family kept their minds focused, not on what they had lost, but on what yet remained.  James explains:  "Evn during the time of horror, we held meetings, read the Bible, prayed together, and shared what little we had with others.  We were able to maintain our joy because we focused on the wonderfuul relationship we had with Jehovah."  By counting their blessings, the greates of which is having a close personal relationship with Jehovah, these faithful Christians were  able to "continue to rejoice."  (2 Corinthians 13:11)  Of course, their distressing circumstances were not easy to endurel.  But they did not cease to rejoice in Jehovah.

The early Christians encountered trials comparable to those experienced by James and his family.  Yet, the apostle Paul wrote these words  to Hebrew Christians: "[You} joyfully took the plundering of your belongings." Paul then explained the source of their joy:  "Knowing you yoursleves have a better and abiding possession."  (Hebrews 10:34)  Yet, those first-century Christians had a powerful hope.  They confidently looked forward to receiving something taht could not be plundered-the unfadable "crown of life" in God's heavenly Kingdom.  (Revelation 2:10)  Today, oru Christian hope-be it heavenly or earthly-can help us to maintain our joy even when we face adversities.

Next time: "Rejoice in the Hope"

The Watchtower, 2001

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