
Look at Your Congregation

The closer you look at fellow believers, the more you will learn to appreciate them and find joy in their association.  Look at your congregation.  What do you see? Is there a single parent struggling to raise her children in the way of truth?  Have you given much thought to the fine example she sets?  Try to imagine some of the problems that she faces.  A single mother named Jeanine mentions some of these: loneliness, unwanted advances from men at work, a severely restricted budget.  But the greatest hurdles of all, she says, involves caring for her children's emotional needs, since each child  is unique.  Jeanine brings up another problem:  "It can be a real challenge to reject the tendency to make your son the head of the household to make your son the head of the household so as to make up for the absence of a husband.  I have a daughter, and it is hard to remember not to overburden her by making her my confidante."  Like thousands of God-fearing single parents, Jeanine works full-time and cares for her household.  She also studies the Bible with her children, train them in the ministry, and brings them to congregation meetings.  (Ephesians 6:4)  How happy Jehovah must be as he daily observes this family's efforts to maintain integrity!  Does it not bring joy to our hearts to have such ones in our midst?  Yes, indeed.

Look again at your congregation.  You may see faithful widows or widowers who are "never missing" from meetings.  (Luke 2:37)  Do they get lonely at times?  Of course.  They sorely miss their mates!   But they keep busy in Jehovah's service and take a personal interest in others.  Their stable, positive attitude adds to the joy of the congregation!  A Christian who has served in the full-time ministry for more than 30 years remarked: "One of my greatest joys is  seeing older brothers and sisters who have come through many trials still serving Jehovah faithfully!"  Yes, older Christians among us are a great encouragement to younger ones.

What of the new ones who have only recently begun to associate with the congregation?  Are we not stimulated when they express their faith at the meetings?  Think of the progress they have made since they began studying the Bible.  Jehovah must be very pleased with them.  Are we? Do we express our approval, commending them for their effort?

Are you married, single, or a single parent? Are you a fatherless (or motherless) boy or girl, a widow or a widower? Are you one who has been associated with the congregation for many years or one who only recently started to associate?  Be assured that your faithful example is encouraging to all of us. And when you join in singing a Kingdom song, when you make a comment or handle a student assignment in the Theocratic Ministry School, your contribution adds to our joy.  Better still, it brings joy to Jehovah's heart.

Yes, even in these troublesome times, we can be joyful in worshiping our happy God.  We have many reasons to respond to Paul's encouragement:  "Continue to rejoice, . . .and the God of love and of peace will be with you."  (2 Corinthians 13:11) What, though,m if we are confronted  by a natural disaster, persecution, or severe economic hardship?   Is it possible to maintain our joy even in such situations?  Draw your own conclusions as  you consider the following article.


The Watchtower, 2001

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