
A Secretary Saved by Obedience

Do you sometimes feel weary because few among the people you meet in the Christian ministry show any interest in the good news?  Do you occasionally feel a tinge of envy toward the well-to-do and their indulgent life-styles?  (No)  If so, reflect on Baruch, Jeremiah's secretary, and on Jehovah's loving counsel to him.

Baruch was in the process of writing down a prophetic message when he himself became the focus of Jehovah's attention.  Why?  Because Baruch began to rue his lot in life and to desire something better than his special privilege of service to God.  Observing this shift in Baruch's attitude, Jehovah gave him clear but kind counsel, saying:  "You keep seeking great things for yourself.  Do not keep seeking.  For here I am bringing in a calamity upon all flesh,  . . .and I will give you your soul as a spoil in all the places to which you may go." -Jeremiah 36:4; 45:5.

Can you sense in Jehovah's words to Baruch His deep concern for this fine man, who had served him so faithfully and courageously  alongside Jeremiah?  Likewise today, Jehovah is deeply concerned about those who are tempted to pursue what they thing are greener pastures in this system of things.  Happily, like Baruch, many of such ones have responded to loving readjustments by responsible spiritual brothers.  (Luke 15:4-7)  Yes, may all of us discern that there is no future for those who seek "great things" for themselves in this system.  Not only do such ones fail to find true happiness but, worse still, they will soon pass away with this world and all its selfish desires.  -Matthew 6:19, 20; 1 John 2:15-17.

The account about Baruch also teaches us a fine lesson in humility.  Note that Jehovah did not counsel Baruch directly but spoke through Jeremiah, whose imperfections  and idiosyncrasies Baruch probably knew quite well.  (Jeremiah 45:1, 2) Yet, Baruch was not overcome by pride; he humbly discerned the real source of the counsel-Jehovah.  ( 2 Chronicles 26:3, 4, 16; Proverbs 18:12; 19:20) So, if we 'take some false step before we are aware of it' and receive needed counsel from God's Word, let us imitate Baruch's maturity, spiritual  discernment, and humility. -Galatians 6:1.

Such a  humble attitude on our part also helps those giving the counsel. Says Hebrews 13:17: "Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will render an account; that they may do this with joy and not with sighing for this would be damaging to you."  How often elders pour their heart out to Jehovah praying for the courage, wisdom and tact necessary to fulfill this difficult aspect of their shepherding work!  Let us  "recognize men of that sort." -1 Corinthians 16:18.

That Baruch readjusted his thinking is evident, for Jeremiah next gave him  a most challenging assignment-to go to the temple and read aloud the very judgment message he himself wrote down at Jeremiah's mouth.  Did Baruch obey?  Yes, he did "all that Jeremiah the prophet had commanded him."  In fact, he even read the same message out  to the princes of Jerusalem, which no doubt took considerable courage.  (Jeremiah 36:1-6, 8, 14, 15) When the city fell to the Babylonians some 18 years later, imagine hos grateful Baruch must have been for being spared because he had heeded Jehovah's  warning and stopped seeking "great things" for himself! -Jeremiah 39:1, 2, 11, 12; 43:6.

Next time: Obedience During a Siege Saved Lives

The Watchtower, 2002

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