

"As for the one listening tome, he will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity."-PROVERBS 1:33.

THE fluffy, yellow hatchlings are busily pecking for food in the short grass, totally unaware of a hawk hovering high above.  Suddenly, the mother hen gives a tremulous, high-pitched warning call and spreads her wings. Her chicks run to her, and in seconds they are safely concealed beneath her pinions.  The hawk aborts its attack.  The lesson? Obedience saves lives!

That lesson especially important to Christians today, for Satan is making an all-out effort to prey on God's people.  (Revelation 12:9, 12, 17) His goal is to destroy our spirituality so that we lose Jehovah's favor and the prospect of everlasting life.  (1 Peter 5:8)  However, if we stay close to God and respond swiftly to the direction we receive through his Word and organization, we can be assured of his protective care.  "With his pinions he will block approach to you, and under his wings you will take refuge," wrote the psalmist. -Psalm 91:4.

Next time: A Disobedient Nation Becomes Prey

The Watchtower, 2002

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