
What Hope for the Dead?

Many spiritists believe in reincarnation. One spiritist publication states:  "Reincarnation is the only doctrine that measures up to our idea of divine justice; it is the only doctrine that can explain the future and strengthen our hopes."  (Spiritists are going on what Satan tells them to. Another way of Satan getting what he wants-worship) Spiritists explain that at death the soul, or "incarnated spirit," leaves the body-like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.  (Oh Please!) They believe that these spirits are later reincarnated as humans in order  to purge sins committed inan earlier life.  But there is no recollection of those earlier sins.  "God considered it convenient that a veil be cast over the past," says the Gospel According to Spiritism.  (spiritism is Satan's thing) It is obvious that none of these people have ever read the Bible word for word, Genesis to Revelation.  If they had, they would know that God detest anything to do with spritiism)

"To deny reincarnation is also to deny the words of Christ," (no, to believe in it is going against the word of Christ) wrote Allan Kardec.  However, Jesus never uttered the word  "reincarnation" and never mentioned such a concept.  Rather, Jesus taught  the resurrection of the dead.  During his earthly ministry, he resureected three people-the son of a widow in Nain, the daughter of a presiding officer of a synagogue, and his close friend Lazarus.  (Mark 5:22-24, 35-43; Luke7:11-15; John 11:1-44) Let us consider one of those remarkable events and see what Jesus meant by "resurrection."

Next time: The Resurrection of Lazarus

The Watchtower, 2001

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