
Do You Believe in What You Cannot See?

WHEN someone says, 'I believe only in what I can see,' he is not speaking literally.  Actually, we all believe in things that we cannot see.

For example, at school you may have performed an experiment designed to prove the existence of a magnetic field.  It may go like this:  Sprinkle iron fillings on  a sheet of paper.  Then place the sheet over the magnet.  When the sheet is vibrated, as if by magic the iron fillings bunch up near the magnet's poles and form into the pattern of the magnetic field.  If you did that, could you actually see the magnetic field?  No, but its effect on the iron fillings is plain to see, giving you convincing proof that magnetism exists.

We accept without question other things that we cannot see.  When we look at a beautiful painting or admire a fine sculpture, we do not doubt the existence of a painter  or a sculpture. So when we contemplate a waterfall or gaze at a sunset, should we not be moved at least to consider the possibility that they are the work of a Great Artist or Sculpture?

Next time: Why Some Do Not Believe

The Watchtower, 2000

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