
The Origin of Evil

In contrast with what religious leaders may say, the Bible does not portray God's permnission of evil as incomprehensible. A key point in understanding the question of evil is to recognize that Jehovah did not create a wicked world.  He created the first human couple perfect, without sin.  Jehovah looked upon his creative owrk and found it to be "very good."  (Genesis 1:26, 31) It was his purpose  for Adam and Eve to extend the Paradise of Eden earth wide and to populate it with happy people under the protection of his loving sovereignty. -Isaiahy 45:18.

Evil began with a spirit creature who, though originally faithful to God, developed a desired to be worshiped.  (James 1:14, 15)  His rebellion manifested itself on earth when he influenced the first human couple to join him in his opposition to God.  Instead  of submitting to God's clear instruction not to eat or touch the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve took some and ate it

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