
Benefits of Being Reasonable

When you are reasonable in your expectations and avoid self-tormenting and self-defeating perfectionism, you benefit yourself as well as others.  Knowing your real potential involves being both realistic and reasonable about what you want to do.  Remember, God created us to live on earth and to find satisfaction in meaningful work that benefits ourselves and others. -Genesis 2:7-9.

if you have been too demanding of yourself, why not turn to Jehovah in prayer?  Obtaining God's favor will bring you great relief. Jehovah knows our makeup and imperfect state, so he is not unreasonable or hard to please.  The psalmist assures us:  "As a father shows mercy to his sons, Jehovah has shown mercy to those fearing him.  For he himself well knows the formation of us, remembering that we are dust."  (Psalm 103:13, 14) How grateful we can be that God deals with humans in such a  merciful way!  He knows our limitations, yet we can be as precious in his eyes as beloved children.

Instead of pursuing perfectionism, how much wiser  it is to cultivate discernment and a balanced viewpoint!  Moreover, we can be sure that no one can prevent Jehovah from fulfilling his purpose to elevate mankind to perfection  under God's Kingdom.  But what does human perfection mean?

Next time: Perfect Life Better Than Perfectionism

The Watchtower, 2000

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