
Why We Observe the Lord's Evening Meal


When instituting the Memorial, Jesus did not miraculously change the bread and the wine into his literal flesh and blood. Instead, he said of the bread:  "This means my body."  Regarding the wine, he stated:  "This means my 'blood of the covenant,' which is to be poured out in behalf of many," (Mark 14:22-24)  Clearly, then, the bread and the wine were to be viewed as symbols, or emblems.  

On that  highly important occasion in 33 C.E., Jesus used unleavened bread left over from the Passover meal. ( Exodus  12:8) In the Scriptures, leaven at times  denotes corruption or sin.  (Matthew 16:6, 11, 12; Luke 12:1) Thus, Jesus' use of unleavened bread  was significant because it fittingly represented his sinless boy.  (Hebrews 7:26) So bread of that kind is used at the Memorial.

The wine that Jesus used on Nisan 14 C.E., represented Jesus' blood, as does the Memorial cup of wine today. At Golgatha,  a place outside Jerusalem, his blood was poured out "for forgiveness of sins." (Matthew 26:28; 27:33) Because the Memorial bread and wine symbolize Jesus' priceless sacrifice offered in behalf of obedient mankind and we appreciate that loving provision, it is appropriate that we personally prepare for the annual observance of the Lord's Evening Meal.

Next time:  Why We Observe the Lord's Evening Meal - 

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015

Why We Observe the Lord's Evening Meal

              "Keep doing this in remembrance of me." -1 CORINTHIANS 11:24.

NIGHT  has fallen, but a  full moon bathes Jerusalem in soft light. It is the evening of Nisan 14, 33 C.E.  Jesus and his apostles have celebrated the Passover, commemorating Israel's deliverance from Egyptian bondage 15 centuries earlier.  With 11 loyal apostles, Jesus now institutes a  special meal-one that will memorialize the death he will experience before this day ends." -Matthew 26:1, 2. 

Jesus says a blessing and passes unleavened bread to the apostles, saying:  "Take, eat." He takes a cup of wine, again offers thanks, and says:  "Drink out of it, all of you." (Matthew 26:26, 27) Jesus will not pass other food items to them, but he will have much more to tell his faithful followers on this momentous night. 

So it was that Jesus instituted the Memorial of his  death, also called  "the Lord's Evening Meal." (1 Corinthians 11:20)  Regarding it, some might ask: Why commemorate Jesus' death?  What  is the meaning of the bread and the wine? How can we prepare for the Memorial? Who should partake? And how do Christians respond to what the Scriptures says about their hope? 


As Adam's descendants, we inherited sin and death.  (Romans 5:12) No imperfect human can give  God a ransom for his life or that of others. (Psalm 49:6-9) By his death, however, Jesus paid the only acceptable ransom price-his perfect body and shed blood.  By presenting to God the value of the ransom, Jesus made it possible for us to be delivered from sin and death and to receive the  gift of eternal life. -Romans 6:23; 1 Corinthians 15:21, 22. 

The ransom provision proves that God loves the world of mankind. (John 3:16) Jesus' sacrifice is evidence that he too loves us. Why, during his pre-human existence as God's  "master worker," Jesus "was especially  fond of the sons of men"! (Proverbs 8:30, 31) Gratitude to God and his Son should move us to be present at the commemoration of Jesus' death, thus obeying the command:  "Keep doing this in remembrance of me." -1 Corinthians 11:23-25. 

Next time: Why We Observe the Lord's Evening Meal - WHAT THE EMBLEMS MEAL

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015 

Give Thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed


Throughout history,  Jehovah's people have rejoiced in their blessings. For example, after being delivered from Pharaoh and his armies at the Red Sea, the Israelites expressed their joy in songs of praise and thanksgiving.  (Exodus 15:1-21) Today, among our most  treasured blessings is our sure hope of deliverance from everything that causes  us pain and distress. (Psalm 37:9-11; Isaiah  25:8; 33:24)  Imagine how we will feel when Jehovah crushes all his enemies and welcomes us into a new world of peace and righteousness. What a day for thanksgiving that will be!-Revelation 20:1-3; 21:3, 4. 

We look forward to receiving countless spiritual blessings from Jehovah during  2015.  Of course, we may also experience some trials. Whatever may come, we know that Jehovah will never abandon us.  (Deuteronomy 31:8; Psalm 9:9, 10) He will continue to provide everything we need to serve him faithfully. Therefore, may we be determined to maintain a spirit like that of the prophet Habakkuk, who said:  "Although the fig tree may not blossom, and there may be no fruit on the vines; although the olive crop may fail, and the fields may  produce no food; although the flock may disappear from the pen, and there may be no cattle in the stalls; yet, as for me, I will exult in Jehovah; I will be joyful in the God of my salvation." (Habakkuk 3:17, 18)  Yes, throughout  the coming year, may we reflect joyfully on our blessings and be moved to follow the admonition of our 2015 year-text: "Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good." -Psalm 106:1. 

Next time: Why We Observe the Lord's Evening Meal

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015


Give Thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed


Having a grateful heart can help us to cope with grievous trials. We may feel overwhelmed if we are suddenly confronted with life-alerting circumstances, such as the unfaithfulness of a marriage mate, a life-threatening illness, the death of a loved one, or the devastating effects of a natural disaster. At such times, we will be comforted and strengthened by reflecting on our blessings.  Consider the following real-life experiences. 

Irina, a regular pioneer in North America, was married to an elder who proved to be unfaithful and abandoned her and their children. What helped  Irina to go on serving Jehovah faithfully?  She says:  "I am grateful for Jehovah's personal care for me as an individual. By choosing to count my blessings each day, I can see what  a privilege it is to be known and loved by our protective heavenly Father. I know that he will never abandon me." Although Irina has experienced many tragic circumstances  to sustain her and she is a source of encouragement to others. 

Kyung-sook, who lives in Asia, pioneered with her husband for more than 20 years. Suddenly, she was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and was told that she  had from three to six months to live. Although she and her husband had faced many trials, large and small, they had always felt confident  about their  health. She said: "This health issue hit me hard. I felt that  I has  everything, and I was very scared." What has helped Kyung-sook to cope? She says: "Every night before going to bed, I go to the rooftop of our home and pray out loud about five things that I am grateful for from that day.  Then I feel reassured, and I am moved to express my love for Jehovah."  How has Kyung-sook benefited from these nightly prayers?  She says:  "I have come to realize that Jehovah sustains us through trialsome circumstances and that there are far more blessings in our lives than  there are trials."

 Jason, who serves at a branch office in Africa, has been in full-time service for more than 30 years.  He relates:  "Seven years ago, I lost my wife in death, and the pain can be overwhelming. Letting myself dwell on what she experienced while fighting cancer can be very disheartening."  What has helped Jason to cope?  "At one point," he says, "I was remembering a pleasant time that my wife and I had spent together, and I thanked  Jehovah in prayer for that memory. I felt a sense of relief and thereafter started to thank Jehovah regularly for such happy memories. Gratefulness has made a big difference in my outlook. I still feel the pain of the loss, but thanking Jehovah for having had a good marriage and for the privilege  of serving him with someone who deeply loved him has improved my outlook."

When Super Typhoon Haiyan hit the central Philippines in late 2013, Sheryl, who was only 13 years old at the time, lost virtually everything.  She said;  "I lost my home, and I lost most of my family."  Her father, mother, and three siblings died in the powerful storm surge. What has helped  Sheryl to get through this tragedy without becoming bitter? She has a grateful heart and remains conscious of the blessings she still has.  "I saw all that the brothers and sisters did to bring relief and  encouragement to those who needed help. I knew that brothers all around the world were praying for me ."  She added:  "I am very grateful that Jehovah is my God.  He always gives us the things we need." Yes, being conscious of our blessings is a powerful antidote to being swallowed up by grief. An appreciative heart helps us to go on despite any distressing events that we may face. -Ephesians 5:20; read Philippians 4:6, 7. 

Next time: Give Thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed - "AS FOR ME, 

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015 

Give Thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed


How can we imitate Paul's fine example in cultivating and expressing gratitude? Like Paul, we need to meditate on what Jehovah has done for us personally.  (Psalm 116:12) If you were asked, 'What blessings from are you grateful for?  How would you answer? Would you include  your precious relationship with Jehovah? Or the forgiveness that you receive  because of you faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice?  Would you relate the names of brothers and sisters who have stood by you during various difficult trials?  Of course, your beloved marriage mate or your precious children would not escape such beautiful blessings from your loving Father, Jehovah, will fill your heart with gratitude and will move you to give thanks every day. -Read Psalm 92:1, 2. 

When we have our blessings firmly fixed in mind and heart, we are ready to pray to Jehovah and offer thanksgiving.  (Psalm 95:2;  100:4, 5)  Many view prayer as merely a way to ask God for things.  We, however, know that Jehovah is pleased when we express thanks for what we have. The Bible contains numerous heartwarming prayers of thanksgiving, including those offered by Hannah and Hezekiah.  (1 Samuel 2:1-10; Isaiah 38:9-20) So imitate those faithful servants who showed a grateful spirit.  Yes, thank Jehovah in prayer for the blessings that you have,  (1 Thessalonians 5:17, 18)  The benefits from doing so are many. Your spirits will be lifted, you will grow in love for Jehovah, and you draw ever closer to him. -James 4:8. 

Why should we remain alert to the danger of losing our appreciation for Jehovah's goodness? Because we have inherited a tendency to be unthankful.  Consider: Our original parents Adam and Eve, were placed in a paradise  garden. All their needs were filled, and they had the prospect of living forever in peace.  (Genesis 1:28) But they did not appreciate their blessings.  they greedily  desired more. As a result, they lost everything.  (Genesis 3:6, 7,  17-19) Surrounded by an unthankful world, we too could begin to lose sight of all that Jehovah has done for us. We could begin to take our friendship  with him for granted. We might lose appreciation for the privilege that we have to be a part of our worldwide brotherhood.  We could could become absorbed in things of this world that will soon pass away.  (1 John 2:15-17)  To avoid the downward spiral, we want to meditate on our blessings and regularly thank Jehovah for the privilege we have of being his people. - Read Psalm 27:4. 

Next time: Give Thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed - WHEN COPING WITH TRIALS

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015

Give Thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed


If we are to cultivate a grateful heart and maintain it, we must acknowledge and meditate appreciatively on our blessings from Jehovah and carefully consider his acts of loyal love.  When the psalmist did so, he was awed by the many wonderful things that Jehovah had done. -Read Psalm 40:5; 107:43. 

We can learn much from the apostle Paul about cultivating gratitude.  Evidently, he meditated on his blessings, for he frequently  expressed heartfelt thanks.  Paul well knew that he had been "a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insolent man."  Hence, he gave thanks that despite his past  sinful conduct, God and Christ had shown him mercy and had entrusted him  with a ministry.  (Read 1 Timothy 1:12-14) Paul also deep appreciated his fellow Christians and often thanked Jehovah for their fine qualities and faithful service.  (Philippians 1:3-5,.7;  1 Thessalonians 1:2, 3) And when Paul faced trialsome situations, he was quick  to thank Jehovah for the timely support that he received from his spiritual brothers.  (Acts 28:15; 2 Corinthians 7:5-7) It is not surprising, therefore, that Paul's writings encourage Christians:  "Show yourselves thankful . . ., encouraging one another with psalms, praises to God, spiritual songs sung with gratitude." -Colossians 3:15-17.


From the Watchtower magazine, 2015


Give Thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed

                "Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good." -Psalm 106:1.

JEHOVAH, the Giver of "every good gift and every perfect present," is indeed worthy of our thanks.  (James 1:17)  As our loving Shepherd, he tenderly cares for all our physical and spiritual needs. (Psalm 23:1-3) He has proved to be "our refuge and strength"-especially in times of distress! (Psalm 46:1) Surely we have many reasons to agree wholeheartedly with the psalmist who wrote:  "Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good; his loyal love endures forever." -Psalm 106:1.

Why is it important for us to consider this matter of giving thanks?  As foretold, people in these last days  have become increasingly unthankful.  (2 Timothy 3:2)  Many take their blessings for granted. Influenced by the commercial world and its advertising, millions of people strive to obtain more instead of being content with what they have. We too can be affected by this unappreciative spirit.  Like the ancient Israelites, we could become ungrateful and lose appreciation for our precious relationship with Jehovah and for the blessings that we have received from him. -Psalm 106:7, 11-13. 

Then, too, consider what can happen when we undergo difficult  trials.  At such times, we could easily  become overwhelmed and lose sight of our blessings.  (Psalm 116:3) Therefore, how can we cultivate a grateful heart and maintain it?  And what will help us to remain positive even when we are undergoing severe trials? Let us see. 

Next time: Give Thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed - "HOW MANY THINGS YOU HAVE DONE, O JEHOVAH"

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015



Most of those who have assisted with the construction work in New York could have found reasons not to volunteer. However, they put Jehovah to the test-just as he invites all of us to do: "Test me out, please, . . .to see whether I will not open to you the floodgates of the heavens and pour out on you a blessing until there is nothing lacking.." -Malachi 3:10. 

Will you too test Jehovah out and experience his rich blessing?  Prayerfully examine what you can do to have a share in the exciting work at hand, whether in New York or on other theocratic building, and see firsthand how Jehovah will reward you. -Mark 10:29, 30. 

Dale, a civil engineer, and Cathy, from Alabama, highly recommend this type of service. Volunteering at Walkill, they say: "If you have the courage to step out of your comfort zone, you will have an opportunity to see Jehovah's spirit at work."  And what is needed  for you to make yourself available?  Dale says:  "Simplify, simplify, and then simplify some more. You will never forget it!" Gary, from North Carolina, has 30 years' experience in construction management.  He and his wife, Maureen , say that one of  the blessings they are enjoying at Warwick is "meeting and working with the many wonderful brothers and sisters who have spent their life serving Jehovah at Bethel." Gary adds:  "To serve at Bethel, you need to lead a simple life, which is the best way to live through this system of things."  Jason, who worked for  an electrical contractor, and Jennifer, who worked from Illinois, say that working at Walkill on a Bethel project is "one of the closest things you can experience to new world living."  Jennifer adds:  "It is overwhelming to feel that everything  you do is appreciated by Jehovah and is an investment in the future that he is preparing for us. Jehovah sees to it that you are enriched beyond measure." 

Next time:Give Thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed 

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015



The construction projects at Walkill and Warwick will eventually be completed, so those who have been invited to assist realize that their Bethel service is temporary. Are these brothers and sisters overly anxious about where they will go or what they will do?  Not at all!  Many share the feelings of two middle-aged couples from Florida. John, a construction manager, and his wife Carmen, who serve as temporary volunteers at Warwick say: "We have seen how Jehovah has cared for our specific needs up to this point.  We reasoned that Jehovah certainly has not brought us here at this time only to abandon us later." (Palms 119:116) Luis, who designs the fire suppression systems, and his wife, Quenia, serve at Walkill.   They say:  "We have already seen Jehovah's generous hand provide what we need materially. Although, we don't know how, when, or where, we are confident that he will continue to care for us." -Psalm 34:10; 37:25. 


From the Watchtower magazine, 2015




Most of those who have made themselves available had to overcome certain obstacles.  For example, William and Sandra, who are in their early 60's, were settled, enjoying their life in Pennsylvania. They had a successful precision machining company that employed 17 people.  They were serving with the same congregation they had been in since they were little children and most of their relatives lived in the area.  So when the opportunity arose to serve as commuters at Walkill, they knew that it would mean  saying good-bye to almost everyone and everything familiar to them.  "Without a doubt, the single greatest challenge for us has been our comfort zone," says William. However, after much prayer, the couple decided  to go ahead with their move-a step they do not regret .  "The joy of being directly involved and serving alongside the Bethel family cannot be compared to anything else," says William.  "Sandra and I are happier than we have ever been!"

Ricky, a construction manager in Hawaii, was invited to serve as a commuter Bethelite to assist with the Warwick project. His wife Kendra, wanted him to accept the invitation. However, they had a legitimate concern, the welfare of their 11-year-old son, Jacob.  They wondered if it would be wise to relocate the family to New York State and if their son would be able to adjust to a totally different environment. 

"One of our priorities was that of finding a congregation with young ones who were doing well spiritually, says Ricky.  "We wanted Jacob to have plenty of good association."  As it turned out, the congregation where they ended p has very few children but several Bethelites.  "After our first meeting there, I asked Jacob how I felt  about the new congregation, especially since there weren't any young ones his age," says Ricky.  "He told me, 'Don't worry, Dad. My friends will be the young Bethel brothers.' " 

Sure enough, the young Bethelits have befriended Jacob. With what effect?  "One night, I was passing my son's room and saw that the lights were still on," Ricky relates.  "I expected to catch him playing an electronic game, but he was reading the Bible! When I asked him what he was doing, Jacob said, 'I'm being a young Bethelite, and I'm going to read the Bible in one year,' "Needless to say, Ricky and Kendra are thrilled, not only because Ricky  can share in the construction work at Warwick but also because their move is  contributing to their son's spiritual growth. -Proverbs  22:6. 


From the Watchtower magazine, 2015



Like Cesar and Rocio, hundreds of brothers  and sisters have have made sacrifices in order to share in the construction work that is taking place in New York State. A number of these are supporting the expansion at Walkill, while many others have been privileged to help with the construction of the world headquarters in Warwick.  Many couples have given up  their nice homes, good jobs, and even family pets in order to serve Jehovah more fully. Has Jehovah blessed such a self-sacrificing spirit?  Indeed, he has!

For example,  Way, an electrician, and Debra both in their late 50's sold their home and most of their belongings in Kansas and moved to Walkill to serve as commuter Bethelites. Although doing so required making adjustments in their life, they feel that the sacrifices have been well  worth it. Regarding her assignment at Bethel, Debra says:  "Sometimes I feel as if I've stepped into one o those Paradise construction scenes that are featured in publications!"

Melvin and Sharon  sold their home and belongings in South Carolina so that they could assist at Warwick. Even though these sacrifices were not easy to make, the couple feel privileged to be involved in such a historic project.  They say:  "The joy that comes from knowing that you are accomplishing something that will benefit the worldwide  organization is a wonderful feeling."

Kenneth, a retired builder, and Maureen, who are in their mid-50's, moved from California to serve on the Warwick project. In order  to move their made arrangements with a sister in the congregation to care for their home and asked their family to help look after Ken's aged father. Do they regret making sacrifices to serve at Bethel? No! "We are benefiting immensely," says Ken.  Is it without challenges? Of course not, but we live a very rewarding life, and we wholeheartedly recommend this service to others." 


From the Watchtower magazine, 2015


A FEW years ago, Cesar and his wife, Rocio, were living a comfortable life in California, where Cesar was working full-time in the field of heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning and Rocio worked part-time at a doctor's office.  They owned their home, and they had no children. However, something happened that changed their lives.  What was it?

In October 2009, the United States branch office sent a letter to all congregations in the country, inviting skilled volunteers to apply for temporary Bethel service to assist with the expansion of the branch facilities in Walkill, New York. Even those over the usual age limit for Bethel service were invited to apply.  "Because of our age, we knew that this could be a once-in-a-lifettime chance to serve at Bethel," relate Cesar and Rocio.  "We were  not about to pass that opportunity up for anything!" The couple immediately submitted  their applications.  

More than a year went by, but Cesar and Rocio had not been invited to  Bethel.  Nonetheless, they took further steps toward reaching their goal by simplifying their life.  "We converted our garage  into a studio apartment so that we could rent our house to someone else.  Then we moved out of our 2, 200 square-foot  (200 sq m) dream home that we had built just a couple of years earlier and moved into our 270-square foot (25 sq m) apartment.  Making these changes," says Cesar,  "Put us in a better position to accept an invitation to Bethel, should one come our way." What happened next?  "One month after we moved into our small apartment," relates Rocio, "we received an invitation  to serve as temporary volunteers at Walkill. It was clear to us that by simplifying our life, we have given Jehovah something to bless." 


From the Watchtower magazine, 2015 



Identifying and Coping With Dengue

Dengue is commonly misdiagnosed because of its flu-like symptoms.  But according to WHO, you should suspect dengue whenever a fever is accompanied by skin rashes, pain behind the eyes, and pain the muscles as well as severe joint pains, which is the reason why it is called break-bone fever.  The fever lasts from five to seven days. 

Doctors do not yet have a cure for dengue, but in most cases it can be treated at home with rest and plenty of fluids. Patients, however, need to be closely monitored in case dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome develops. These potentially deadly complications can occur after the initial fever subsides and the patient appears to be recovering. What are some of the symptoms of these  more serious conditions?  Severe abdominal pains, persistent  vomiting, nosebleeds and bleeding gums, black stools,  and reddish purple blisters under the skin.  Additionally, symptoms of dengue shock syndrome may include restlessness, excessive thirst, pale and cold skin, and very low blood pressure.  

Sadly, antibiotics are ineffective in treating dengue because it is a viral infection and not bacterial. Also, a patient is wise to avoid anti-inflammatory medications, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as they can increase the risk of bleeding. There are four strains of dengue virus, and it is possible to get dengue more than once. 

If you contact dengue, get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids. Also, remain under a mosquito net as much as possible to prevent mosquitoes from biting you and transmitting  the disease to others. 

How can you  limit exposure to mosquitoes in the first place? Wear long sleeves,m long pants, or long dresses, and use mosquito repellents. Although mosquitoes can bite at any time of the day, they are most active about two hours after sunrise and before sunset. 

Check for Breeding Sites: 

1. Abandoned tires
2. Rain gutters 
3. Flowerpots
4. Plastic containers
5. Discarded cans and barrels

Also, sleeping under a mosquito net that has been covered with insect repellent can offer you protection.

Time will tell whether vaccines can provide relief from dengue. Ultimately, though, God's Kingdom will eradicate all ailments, including this fever. Indeed, the time will come when God "will wipe out every tear  from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.  The former things have passed away." -Revelation 21:3, 4. 


From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015


"The Health Services of Morelos . . ., in coordination with the Board of Health of the Emiliano Zapata Town Council, grant the presentation precertificate to the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses . . . for [the Witnesses'] teamwork in achieving clean spaces free of breeding grounds for dengue-bearing mosquitoes."

AUTHORITIES in Mexico have good reason to be concerned about disease-bearing mosquitoes.  The pesky little insects can transmit a dangerous virus that causes dengue, a potentially life-threatening disease that afflicted over 57,000 people in Mexico in 2010. Mexico is just one of more than 100 countries where dengue is now endemic. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) current estimates that there may be 50 million cases of dengue worldwide every year and that about two fifths of the world's population  are at risk of contracting the disease. Accordingly, health authorities have initiated  programs to eradicate the white-spotted Aedes aegypti mosquito, one of the insects that transmits the dengue virus.

Dengue is most prevalent in tropical and subtropical climates, especially during the rainy season and after a natural disaster such as a hurricane or flooding.  This is because the female Aedes mosquito lays its eggs wherever it can find standing water.  Since people throughout Latin American and the Caribbean collect and store household water in concrete tanks, health experts urge them to keep to keep their tanks covered.  This prevents the tanks from becoming breeding grounds for mosquitoes. People also restrict the spread of these mosquitoes when they keep their yard clean of old tires, cans, flowerpots, plastic containers-anything that might hold stagnant water. 

Next time: DENGUE A GROWING MENACE-Identifying and Coping With Dengue

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011 

How I Found the Answer to Injustice

Looking Back Over Nearly 90 Years

People sometimes ask me what it was like living under both Nazi and Communist rule. Life under neither was easy. And both forms of human government, simply confirmed that humans cannot govern themselves.  The Bible frankly and truthfully says:  "Man has dominated man to his injury." -Ecclesiastes 8:9.  

When I was young and naive, I looked to humans for rulership that was just. Now I know better. Only our Creator can bring about a truly just world, and he will do so by getting rid of all the wicked and putting the rulership of the earth into the hands of his Son, Jesus Christ, who always put the interests of others ahead of his own.  Concerning Jesus, the Bible says:  "You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness." (Hebrews 1:9)  I am so thankful that God drew me to this wonderful and just King, under whose rulership I hope to live forever!


From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011


How I Found the Answer to Injustice

My Release and Flight to the West

I was released in 1956, having spent just over five years in prison. Five days after my release, I fled the GDR to live in West Germany.  By then I had two daughters. Hannelore and Sabine, whom I took with me. There, my husband and I got divorced and I met up with the Witnesses again. As I studied the Bible, I realized that I had to make a number of changes in order to align my life with Jehovah's standards. I made these changes  and got baptized in 1958. 

Later, I remarried, this time to one of Jehovah's Witnesses-Klaus Menne. Klaus  and I had a wonderful marriage and had two children together, Benjamin and Tabia.  Tragically, Klaus died about 20 years go in an accident, and I have been a widow  ever since.  But I take much comfort in the hope of the resurrection, knowing that the dead will be raised to life in Paradise on earth.   (Luke 23:43; Acts 24:15) I am also greatly comforted by the knowledge that my four children all serve Jehovah.

Thanks to my study of the Bible, I have learned that only Jehovah can provide true justice. Unlike humans, he takes account of all of our circumstances, as well as our background-details that are often hidden from the eyes of others.  This precious knowledge  has given me peace even now, especially when I see or experience injustice. Says Ecclesiastes 5:8: "If  in some province you witness the oppression of the poor and the denial of right and justice, do not be surprised  at what goes on, for every official has a higher one set over him, and the highest keeps watch over them all." (The Revised English Bible) "The highest," of course, is our Creator.  "All things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting," says Hebrews 4:13.

Next time: How I Found the Answer to Injustice - Looking Back Over Nearly 90 years

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011

How I Found the Answer to Injustice

"The Worst Person in the Room" Gave Me Hope

In June 1951, two men came into my office and announced: "You are under arrest." They took me to the prison known as the Roter Ochse, or Red Ox.  One year later I was charge with subversion against the State.  A student had betrayed me to the Stasi,the secret police, informing them of my earlier protest with the leaflets.  The trial was a farce because no one took any notice of what I said in my defense. I was sentenced to six years in prison. During that time, I became ill and was placed in the hospital dormitory with about 40 other women. After seeing all those extremely unhappy people, I began to panic. I ran to the door and struck it with my fists. "What do you want? the guard asked.

"I must get out of here." I shouted.  "Put me  in solitary if you have to, but just get me out of here!" Of course, he ignored  my plea. Shortly thereafter, I noticed a woman who was different from the others.  Her eyes reflected inner tranquility. So I sat beside her.

"If you sit near me, you had better be careful,"  she said, much to my surprise.  Then she added:  "Others think I am the worst person in the room because I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses." 

At the time, I did not know that Jehovah's Witnesses were divided as enemies of the Communist State.  But what I did  know about them was that two Bible Students (as the Witnesses were formerly called) had visited Father regularly when I was a child.  In fact. I recalled Father saying,  "The Bible Students are right!"

I wept with relief to meet this dear woman, whose name was Berta Bruggemeier.  "Please tell me about Jehovah," I said. From then on, we spent a lot of time together and often discussed the Bible. Among other things, I learned that the true God, Jehovah, is a God of love, justice, and peace. I also learned that he will undo all the harm caused by wicked and tyrannical humans.  "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no  more . . . But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace," says Psalm 37:10, 11. 

Next time: How I Found the Answer to Injustice - My Release and Flight to the West

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011 

How I Found the Answer to Injustice

Life Under Communism

In those years, Mother became ill, and I had to care for her. I took an office job with the local government. Meanwhile, I came into contact with student dissidents who tried to draw attention to some of the injustices being perpetrated.   For instance, one youth was denied a university education because his father  had been a member of the Nazi party.  I knew the student well, since  we often played music together.  'Why,' I thought, 'should he suffer because  of what his father had done?' My involvement with the dissidents increased, and I decided to get involved in public protests. On one occasion I even attached leaflets to the outside staircase of the local court building. 

My sense of justice was further offended by some of the letters I had to type as a  secretary to the Regional Peace Committee. In another instance, for political reasons, the Committee planned to send Communist propaganda material to an elderly man living in West Germany in order to arouse suspicion against him. I felt so indignant at the dishonest treatment of that man that I hid the parcels in the office. As a result they were never mailed.

Next time: How I Found the Answer to Injustice - "The Worst Person in the Room" Gave Me Hope 

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011


How I Found the Answer to Injustice

A Nightmare Begins

After finishing my basic education, I attended ballet school, where I also learned the Ausdruckstanz (expressive dance), as taught by Mary Wigman. She was a pioneer of Expressionist dancing, which requires the artist to express his or her feelings in the form of a dance. I also began painting. Thus, my teen years were initially happy and filled with excitement and learning.  But then came 1939 and World War II. Another blow occurred in 1941, when Father died of tuberculosis. 

War is a nightmare. Although I was only 17 years of age when the war began, I thought that the world had gone mad. I saw throngs of hitherto normal citizens get caught up in Nazi hysteria.  Then came deprivation, death, and destruction. Our house was badly damaged in a bomb attack, and in the course of the war, several of my family members were killed.

When hostilities ceased in 1945, Mother, Kathe, and I were still in Halle. By this time, however, I had a husband and a baby daughter, but my marriage was strained. We separated, and since I had to support myself and my daughter, I  worked as  a dancer and a painter.  Post war Germany was divided into four sectors, and our town was in the sector governed by the Soviet Union. Hence, we all had to get accustomed to being under a Communist regime. In 1949, our part of Germany, often called East Germany, became the German Democratic Republic. (GDR) 

Next time: How I Found the Answer to Injustice - Life Under Communism

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011

How I Found the Answer to Injustice AS TOLD BY URSULA MENNE

For as long as I can remember, I have had a burning desire to see everyone treated fairly and justly. This desire even resulted in my being sent to prison in Communist East Germany. And there, of  all places, is where I found the answer to injustice. Let me explain.

I WAS born in 1022 in the German town of Halle, which has a recorded history of more than 1,200 years. Situated about 120 miles (200 km) southwest of Berlin, Halle was one of the earliest strongholds of Protestantism. My sister Kathe, was  born in 1923.  Father served in the military. Mother sang in the theater.

It was from Father that i gained a strong desire to correct injustice. When he left the army, Father purchased  a store. Since his customers were mostly poor people, he compassionately extended them credit. This noble gesture, however, forced him  into bankruptcy.  Father's experience should have taught me that fighting inequality and injustice is much harder and more complicated than meets the eye. But youthful idealism is a harm flame to snuff out. 

From Mother, I inherited artistic talent, and she introduced Kathe and me to music, song, and dance. I was a lively child,m and Kathe and I had a wonderful life-that is, until the year 1939. 

Next time: How I Found the Answer to Injustice -A Nightmare Begins

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011

THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT/How to Make a Marriage Succeed

"He who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said, 'for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh' . . .Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart." - Jesus Christ, as recorded at Matthew 19:4-6.

Five Keys to Success in Marriage

(1) Recognize marriage as a sacred union. 
As shown by the words of Jesus quoted above, both he and the Creator, Jehovah god, view marriage as a  sacred union.  This is underscored by God's firm counsel to certain men of old who divorced their wives in order to marry younger women. "You have broken you promise to the wife you married when you were young," God said.  "She was your partner, and you have broken your promise to her, although you promised before God that you would be faithful to her." Then Jehovah made this powerful statement:  "I hate it when one of you does such a cruel thing to his wife." (Malachi 2:14-16, Today's English Version)  Clearly, God does not take a casual view of marriage; he takes note of how husbands and wives treat each other. 

(2) Be a responsible husband. 

When important family matters arise, someone has to make the final decision. The Bible assigns that role to the husband. "A husband is head of his wife," says Ephesians 5:23. But headship is no license for tyranny.  The husband should remember that he is "one flesh" with his wife, and he should honor her and consult her on family matters.  (1 Peter 3:7) The Bible's admonition is that "husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies." -Ephesians  5:28. 

(3) Be a supportive wife.

The Bible describes a wife as "a complement" of her husband.  (Genesis 2:18) As such, she supplies important qualities to the marriage. And as his complement, she does not compete with him but gives him loving support, thus promoting peace within the family. "Let wives be in subjection to their husbands," says Ephesians 5:22.  What, though, if she disagrees with him on a matter?  In that case, she should feel free to express her opinions in a dignified respectful manner, just as  she would like her husband to speak to her. 

(4) Be realistic, and expect challenges.

A marriage may be put to the test by thoughtless or unkind words, financial problems, serious illness, or the stresses of raising children. Hence, the Bible frankly states that those who marry "will have tribulation in their flesh." (1 Corinthians 7:28) But tribulations, or trials, need not weaken a marriage.  In fact, when two people are in love with each other and possess godly wisdom, they have the means to resolve potentially divisive issues. Do you have the necessary wisdom to deal with problems that may arise in your family?  "If any one of you is lacking in wisdom," the Bible says, "let him keep on asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching." -James 1:5.

(5) Be faithful to each other.

Few things do more to undermine a marriage than fornication, or sex outside the marriage, which is the only basis for divorce that is acceptable to God.  (Matthew 19:9) The Bible says:  "Let marriage be honorable among all, and the marriage bed be without defilement, for God will judge fornicators and adulterers." (Hebrews 13:4)  What can couples do to help them avoid being tempted to look outside the marriage for sexual satisfaction?  The Bible states:  "Let the husband render to his wife her due; but let wife also do likewise to her husband." - 1 Corinthians 7:3, 4. 

Some might consider these five points quaint or old-fashioned.  But the results say otherwise. In fact, they are similar to the results that come to a person who looks  to God for guidance in all respects of life:  "He will certainly become like a tree planted by streams of water, that gives its own fruit in its season and the foliage of which does not wither, and everything he does will succeed." (Psalm 1:2, 3)  "Everything" includes success in marriage. 

Next time: How I Found the Answer to Injustice

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011




IN OUR world of changing standards, marriage is no longer held in high esteem. Many couples stay together until their physical attraction wanes or problems arise-sometimes not even serious problems-and then they separate or divorce. Sadly, traumatized children are often left in the wake. 

To students of the Bible, this state of affairs is no surprise. Regarding "the last days," the time in which we now live, the Bible foretold that people in general would lack the qualities that bind families together-namely, loyalty, genuine love, and natural affection.  (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Does this erosion of values and its effec on family life concern you? Do you hold marriage in high esteem?

If so, you can take comfort from the Bible, for its tried-and-tested advice continues to help many couples. Consider, for example, just five principles that can  make a world of difference in a marriage.

Next time: THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT -Five Keys to Successes in Marriage

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011


   Conclusion of  Which View Fits All the Facts?

To be sure, energy is needed to turn disorder into order-for example, to assemble bricks, wood, and nails into a house.  That energy, however, has to be carefully controlled and precisely directed because uncontrolled energy is more likely to speed up decay, just as the energy from the sun and the weather can hasten the deterioration of a building. Those who believe in evolution cannot satisfactorily explain how energy is creatively directed. 

On the other hand, when we view life and the universe as the work of a wise Creator who possesses an "abundance of dynamic energy," we can explain not only the complexity of life's information systems but also the finely tuned forces that govern matter itself, from vast galaxies to tiny atoms. - Isaiah 40:26.

Belief in a Creator also harmonizes with the now generally accepted view that the physical  universe had a beginning.  "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth," says Genesis 1;1. 

Invariably, new discoveries tend to make the philosophy of materialism increasingly hard to defend, a fact that has moved some atheists to revise their views. Yes, some  former atheists have come to the conclusion that the wonders of the universe are visible evidence of the "invisible qualities" and  "external power" of our Creator, Jehovah God.  (Romans 1:20) Would you consider giving the matter further thought?  No subject could be more important or of greater consequence.

Next time: THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT - How to Make a Marriage Succeed

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011


Which View Fits All the Facts?

With regard to the origin of the complex molecules that make up living organisms, some evolutionists believe the following:

1. Key elements somehow combined to form basic molecules.  

2. Those molecules then linked together in the exact sequences required to form DNA, RNA, or protein with the capacity to store the information needed to carry out tasks essential to life. 

3. The molecules somehow formed the specific sequences required to replicate themselves. Without replication, there can be neither evolutionary development nor indeed, life itself.   

How did the molecules of life form and acquire their amazing abilities without an intelligent designer? Evolutionary research fails to provide  adequate explanations or satisfying answers to questions about the origin of life. In effect, those who deny the purposeful interventions of a Creator attribute godlike powers to mindless molecules and natural forces. 

What, though, do the facts indicate? The available evidence shows that instead of molecules developing into complex life-forms, the opposite is true: Physical laws dictate that complex things-machines, houses, and even living cells-in time break down.  Yet, evolutionists say the opposite can happen.  For example, the book Evolution for Dummies says that evolution occurred because the earth "gets loads of energy from the sun, and that energy is what powers the increase in complexity."   

Note: Oh Please give me a break! These scientists think that science answers everything because their minds can think of nothing else. They are in denial and do not believe in God.    Only God is able to come up with  something so complex like humans with personalities, emotions,  brains, looks, etc.  Anything man comes up with as far as humans would fail one way or another.

Next time: Conclusion of Which View Fits All the Facts?

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011 




NO HUMAN witnessed the beginning of life on earth. Nor has anyone seen one kind of life evolve into another kind-a reptile into a mammal, for example.  Therefore, we must rely on the available evidence to draw conclusions about the origin of life.  And we need to let the evidence speak for itself rather than force it to say what we want it to say. 

Many atheists, however, view science through the lens of materialism-a philosophy that assumes purely material causes for the origin of life.  "We have a prior commitment . . .to materialism,"wrote evolutionist Richard C. Lewontin.  "That materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow  a Divine Foot in the door."  Hence, materialism embrace the only alternative they have-evolution.   

Religious people too may have preconceptions that distort their attitude toward science.  For instance, as mentioned earlier, some creationists cling to the erroneous  notion that God formed the world in six literal days a few thousand years ago. Having made that prior commitment, they try to force  the evidence to fit their extremely literal interpretation of the Bible.  People who have  such extreme interpretations of both the Bible and science are left without satisfying answers when they try to seek evidence for their faith. 

Next time: WHICH APPROACH IS MORE REASONABLE? - Which View Fits All the Facts? 

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011


What the "Junk" Does

A factory that makes cars uses machines to manufacture the parts. We can liken the parts to the proteins in a cell. The factory also needs devices and systems that assemble those parts step-by-step and others that serve as controls, or regulators, in the assembly line.  The same is true of the activities inside the cell. And that, say researchers, is where "junk" DNA comes in. Much of it contains the recipe for a class of complex molecules called regulatory RNA (ribonucleic acid), which play a key role in how the cell develops, matures and functions.  The sheer existence of these exotic regulators," says mathematical biologist Joshua Plotkin in Nature magazine, "suggests that our understanding about the most basic things . . .  is incredibly naive." 

An efficient factory additionally needs effective communication systems, the same is true of the cell. Tony Pawson a cell biologist  at the University of Toronto in Ontario, explains: "The signaling information in cells is organized through networks of information rather than simple discrete pathways," making the whole process "infinitely more complex" than previously  thought.  Indeed, as a geneticist at Princeton University said, "many of the mechanisms and principles governing inter-and intracellular behavior are still a mystery."

Each new discovery about the cell points to ever higher levels of order and sophistication.  So why do so many people still cling to the notion that life and the most sophisticated information system known to a man are products of a random evolutionary process? 


From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011


Is It Really "Junk"? 

Biologists have long held that DNA is a recipe for the manufacture of proteins and nothing else. However, in time, it became evident that only 2 percent of the genome consists of code for proteins. What is the purpose of the other 98 percent of DNA?  This mystery DNA was "immediately assumed to be evolutionary junk," observed John S. Mattick, professor of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.

The scientist who is credited with coining the term " 'Junk' DNA" was evolutionist  Susumu Ohno.  In his paper "So Much 'Junk' DNA in Our Genome," he wrote that the remaining sequences  of DNA "are the remains of nature's experiments which failed. the earth is strewn with fossil remains of extinct species; is it a wonder that our genome too is filled with the remains of extinct genes?"

How did the concept of "junk"DNA affect the study genetics?  Molecular biologist Wojciech Makalowski says that such thinking "repelled mainstream researchers from studying noncoding [junk] DNA," with the exception of a small number of scientists, who, "at the risk of being ridiculed, explore  unpopular territories. Because of them, the view of junk DNA . . . began to change in the early 1990's." Now, he adds, biologists generally regard what was called junk "as genome treasure." 

In Mattick's opinion, the junk-DNA theory is a classic example of scientific tradition "derailing objective analysis of the facts."  The failure  to recognize the full implications of the biggest mistakes in the history of molecular biology." Clearly, truth in science needs  to be determined on the basis of evidence, not by popular vote. That being the case what does recent evidence reveal about the role of "junk" DNA?

Next time:  CONSIDER THE EVIDENCE - What the "Junk" Does

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011



Who Assembled the "Library"? 

If reason tells us that "John 1800" engraved into rock must have an intelligent mind as its source, should not also the infinitely more complex and meaningful information is information no matter where it is found or what the medium may be. Computer and information scientists Donald E. Johnson said that the laws of chemistry and physics are unable to create complex information or systems that process that information.And it stands to reason that the more complex a package of information, the greater  the intelligence needed to write it. A child could write "John 1800."  But only a superhuman mind could write the code of life;. What is more, "the complexity of biology has seemed to grow by orders of magnitude" with every new discovery, says the journal Nature.

To attribute the complex library of information in DNA to blind, unguided processes conflicts with both reason and human experience. Such belief also stretches faith to the breaking point.

In their efforts to remove God from the picture, evolutionists have, at times, drawn conclusions that were later found to be wrong. Consider, for example, the view that some 98 percent of our genome is "junk"-a library of recipes with billions of useless words.


Stretched out, the DNA is one cell of your body is about six feet (2 m) long. If you were to extract the DNA from all your body's trillions of cells and put the strands end to end, the total length according to some estimates would be nearly 670 times the distance from the earth to the sun and back. To travel that distance at the speed of light would take about 185 hours.  

Next time:  CONSIDER THE EVIDENCE - Is It Really "Junk"? 

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011


Can Complex Information Write Itself?

Safely stored in the nucleus of nearly every living cell in your body is an amazing code called deoxyribonucleic acid, abbreviated DNA. It is carried by a long, double-stranded molecule that looks like a twisted ladder. Your DNA is like a recipe, or program, that directs the formation, growth, maintenance, and reproduction of the trillions of cells that make up your body. The basic units that make up DNA are called nucleotides.  These units are called A, C,G, and T, depending on which chemical base they contain. Like letters of the alphabet, these four characters  can be combined in many ways to form "sentences"-instructions that direct replication and other processes within the cell.

The entire package of information stored in your DNA is called your genome. Some sequences of letters in your DNA are unique to you, for DNA contains your hereditary information-your eye color, skin color, the shape of your nose, and so on. Simply put, your genome can be compared to a vast library of recipes for every part of your bod, and the end product is you. 

How large is this "library"?  It is about three billion "letters,"  or nucleotides  (bases), long. If it were transcribed onto paper, the book would fill 200 volumes the size of a 1,000 page telephone book, according to the Human Genome Project. 

These facts call to mind an amazing prayer recorded some 3,000 years ago.  Found in the Bible at Psalm 139:16, it reads:  "Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing."  Of course the writer did not have science in mind, but in simple language he conveyed an amazingly accurate concept  to illustrate God's awesome wisdom and power. How unlike other ancient  religious writings, which were filled with mythology and superstition!  

Next time: CONSIDER THE EVIDENCE - Who Assembled the "Library"? 

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011


You are on a remote, uninhabited island. While walking along the beach, you see "John 1800" engraved on a boulder. Do you assume that because the island is isolated and uninhabited, the marks must be the result of wind or water erosion?  Of course not! You rightly conclude that someone made that inscription. Why? For one thing, a string of well-defined  letters and numbers-even if they are in a foreign language-does not occur naturally. Second the statement contains meaningful information, indicating an intelligent source. 

In everyday life, we encounter information encoded in many forms-such as Braille or letters of the alphabet, as well as diagrams, musical notes, spoken words, hand signs, radio signals, and computer programs involving  the binary code, using zeros and ones.  The information conveying medium can be virtually anything, from light to radio waves to paper and ink. Whatever the case, people always associate meaningful information with an intelligent mind-unless such information is contained in a living cell.  That information say evolutionists, just happened or wrote itself somehow. But did it? Consider the evidence. 

Next time: CONSIDER THE EVIDENCE -Can Complex Information Write Itself? 

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011


IS BELIEF IN THE CREATOR REASONABLE? - True Faith Rests on Solid Evidence

Faith -at least in some measures-is an important part  of our lives. We accept employment, expecting that we will get paid. We plant crops with the assurance  that the seeds  will sprout.We trust our friends. And we have confidence in the laws that govern the universe. This is an informed faith, for it is based on evidence. Likewise, faith that God exists rests on evidence. 

At Hebrews 1:1, the Bible says:  "Faith is . . .the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld." Another version say: "Faith . . . makes us certain of realities we do not see." (The New English Bible) To illustrate: You are walking along a beach when, suddenly, you feel the ground quake. Then you see the water rush out to sea. You recognized the significance of these phenomena and that they warn of a tsunami. In this case, the quake and the vanishing water together form and "evident demonstration" of the yet unseen reality, the approaching waves.. Your informed faith, in turn, moves you to flee to high ground and safety.

Faith in God too should be an informed faith, a response to convincing evidence. Only then can God become an 'unseen reality' to you. Must you be a scientist to examine and weigh such evidence? Nobel laureate Vladimir Prelog acknowledged that even "winners of the Nobel Prize are not more competent about God, religion, and life after death than other people."

An honest heart and a thirst for truth should move you to examine the evidence fairly and let that evidence  lead you in the right direction. What evidence is available for examination.  


From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011


"COULD there be a more important question in all of human existence than 'Is there a God?' " asked geneticist Francis S.Collins. He makes a powerful point. If there is no God, then there is no life beyond the present one, no higher authority on moral issues. 

The reason some people doubt that God exists is because many scientist do not believe in him. However, popular views can sometimes be  very wrong, as the next article will show. 

Regrettably, many  of the world's religions have added to the confusion by teaching things that contradict well-established scientific knowledge. A notable example is the unbiblical notion that God created the world in six 24-hour days a few thousand years ago. 

Faced with conflicting theories and philosophies, many give up their search  for the truth  about God's  existence. But what could be more worthwhile-and of greater consequence-than finding  a trustworthy answer to such a fundamental question? Of course, none of us  have seen God, nor were we present when the universe and life came into existence. So whether we believe in God or not, our views involve a degree of faith. But what kind of faith? 

Next time:  IS BELIEF IN THE CREATOR REASONABLE? -True Faith Rests on Solid Evidence

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2011


Who Give Evidence of Having Holy Spirit?

Jesus well knew that the gift of tongues would cease relatively soon after the formation of the Christian congregation. Shortly before he died, Jesus mentioned a timeless sign, or mark, that would identify his true followers.  "By this all  will know that you are my disciples,"  he said, If you have love among yourselves." (John 13:35)   In fact, in the same verse where God's Word eventually cease, it says:  "Love never fails." -1 Corinthians 13:8. 

Love is listed as the first of nine aspects of "the fruitage," or product, of God's holy spirit.  (Galatians 5:22, 23) So those who truly have God's spirit-and hence God's backing-would show genuine love for one another. In addition, the third aspect of the spirit's fruitage is peace. Thus, those people who today have holy spirit would be committed to peace, earnestly seeking to rise above bigotry, racism, and violence.  

Also, recall Jesus' prophecy recorded at Acts 1:8. He foretold that his disciples would receive power  to be witnesses of him. "to the most distant part of the earth." Jesus also indicated that this work would continue "unto the end of the world." (Matthew 28:20, King James Version) Hence, this international preaching work would continue to be an identifying mark of those who are truly empowered by holy spirit.

What do you think?  With what group of people do you find evidence of holy spirit today? Who are manifesting the spirit's fruitage, particularly love and peace, to the extent that they suffer at the hands of the governments because of their refusal to bear arms worldwide?  (Isaiah 2:4) Who are endeavoring  to avoid the works of the flesh, such as fornication, even removing unrepentant practicers of such conduct from their midst? (1 Corinthians 5:11-13) Who are preaching in all the earth the good news that God's Kingdom is the only hope for humanity? -Matthew 24:14. 

The publishers of this journal do not hesitate to say that Jehovah's Witnesses for the Bible's description of the people having holy spirit. Why not become better acquainted  with them and decide for yourself whether they truly have God's backing? 

Note: Quit acting like they have the plague. They don't. They are trying to do you a favor, believe me. Once you do, you will not regret it.  I don't . 


From the Watchtower magazine, 2010 



What about the other purpose of the gift of tongues in the first century?  Does the speaking in tongues practiced in churches serve as a tool for preaching the good news to people of different languages? Recall that observers  who were in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. were from many lands, and they clearly understood the languages miraculously spoken by the disciples. In contrast, those who speak in tongues today usually utter speech that is unintelligible to any listener.

Clearly, modern-day speaking in tongues is very different from the gift of holy spirit given  to Jesus' early followers. In fact, there is no reliable record of anyone receiving that same miraculous power since the death of the apostles. This is not surprising to Bible readers. Regarding the miraculous gifts, including that of speaking in tongues. the inspired apostle Paul prophesied:  "They will cease."  (1 Corinthians 13:8) How, then, can one discern who has the holy spirit today? 

Next time: SPEAKING IN TONGUES IS IT FROM GOD? - Who Give Evidence of Having Holy Spirit? 

From the Watchtower magazine, 2010