
"Do Not Interpretations Belong to God?"


Imagine  Joseph's feelings as Pharaoh's messengers came with the royal summons. He quickly changed his clothes and shaved-likely removing all the hair from his head, for such was the Egyptian custom. No doubt he prayed fervently that Jehovah would bless him in this interview!  Soon he found himself in the opulent court of the royal palace, standing before the monarch. We read: "Then Pharaoh said to Joseph: 'I had a dream, but there is no one to interpret it. Now I have heard it said about you that you can hear a dream and interpret it.' "Joseph's response showed, once again, both his  humility and his faith in his God: "I need not be considered!  God will speak concerning Pharaoh's welfare." - Genesis 41:14-16.

Jehovah loves humble, faithful people, so it is no wonder that he gave Joseph  the answer that had eluded the wise men and priests. Joseph explained that Pharaoh's  two dreams had the same meaning. by repeating the message, Jehovah was signifying  that the matter  was "firmly established"-absolutely sure of fulfillment.  The fat cows and the healthy ears of grain represented seven years of plenty in Egypt, while the lean cows and the sickly ears of grain pictured seven years of famine that would follow the years of plenty. That famine would devour the land's abundance. - Genesis 41:25-32. 

Pharaoh knew that Joseph had the answer.  But what could be done?  Joseph recommended a plan of action. Pharaoh needed to find a man both "discreet and wise" to oversee the gathering of the land's  surplus grain into storehouses during the seven years of plenty and then to distribute that surplus to the needy during  the ensuing  famine.  (Genesis 41:33-36) Joseph's experience and abilities more than qualified him for that job, but he did not promote himself.  His humility made such a presumptuous course unthinkable; his faith  made it unnecessary. If we have real faith in Jehovah, we have no need for ambition or self-promotion. We can be at peace, leaving matters in his capable hands!

Next time: "Do Not Interpretations Belong to God?" - "CAN ANOTHER MAN BE FOUND LIKE THIS ONE?" 

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015

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