
BULLYING Some Causes and Effects - The Impact on the Family

Workplace bullying affects domestic stability and tranquility.  it can trigger an inexplicable urge for the target, or victim to hurt loved ones at home. Furthermore,, it can lead to a spouse or family member to fight the bully in a misguided show of support for the victim. On the other hand, a spouse may blame his or her victimized mate for bringing on the trouble.  When such cases of bullying drag on unresolved, even spouses who are otherwise supportive have been known to run out of patience. As years pass, the family may be more likely to disintegrate.  

In some instances bullying results in a loss of career and livelihood, in separation and divorce, or even in suicide.  Between one half and two thirds of Australian victims of workplace bullying reported bad effects on close relationships, such as those with their partner, spouse or family.

Bullying is Costly

Workplace bullying is also costly for employers.  A workplace bully could be an acid-tongued boss or a scheming coworker and is as likely to be a woman as a man. Such ones over-control, micromanage, and put others down with negative remarks and constant criticism, often humiliating their target in front of others. bullies rarely recognize  their impoliteness or apologize for their behavior.  They often victimize workers who are capable, loyal, and well liked by fellow employees. 

Workers who experience bullying ten to work less efficiently.  The productivity of coworkers  who witness bullying is also affected. Bullying can lead workers to feel less loyal  to their employer and less committed to their work. One report claims that bullies  cost industry in the United Kingdom an estimated three billion dollars  each year.  And it is said that  such behavior is responsible for more than 30 percent of stress-related illnesses.

Clearly, bullying has an impact on society worldwide. The question is, Can anything be done to curb the  problem and eliminate it?

Next time: Breaking Free From BULLING

From the jw.org publications 

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