

The Importance of Chores


In some families, children are expected to help out around the house, and they do so without complaint. In other families, parents have lowered their expectations, and children-are happy to oblige-have lowered their performance.  

Researchers see this trend particularly in Western lands, where children ten to be consumers rather than contributors.  "Today, children are left alone to play video games, surf the Internet, and watch TV," observes a parent named Steven.  "Very little is expected of them." 

What you think? Are chores really important-not only for the upkeep of the home but also for a child's development/

Note; Absolutely important! Chores teach children responsibility for when they become adults, it helps them to deal with work, running a home, etc. I, myself had to do some chores when I was younger -up through adulthood.  It took it a little to sink in; but my mother  was wise in doing so. It prepared me for life, plus, I was taught the value of money and that it doesn't grow on trees, and that if I wanted anything, that I would need to work for it. And to do the best job I can in any job situation. I am very happy that she taught me these things.  Otherwise, I would be in bad shape.  If you don't teach your children responsibility, they could grow up lazy-good-for nothings, dependent on everyone. My mother did me a favor. 


Some parents are reluctant to assign chores, especially when their child's week is already crammed with homework and after-school activities. However, consider the benefits. 

Chores contribute to a child's maturity.   Children who take on household tasks are likely to be more successful at school, and no wonder. Helping out around the house helps a child develop confidence, self-discipline, and strength of character-essential tools for learning. 

Chores prepare children to serve others.   Some have observed that children who are expected to help out at home are more likely to take on community service as adults.  This is hardly surprising, since chores train them to put other's needs above their own. On the other hand, Steven, quoted earlier, notes:  "When nothing is expected of them, children learn that they are heart to be served, and they grow up with a distorted view of what life will require of them in the way of responsibility and hard work."

Chores promote family unity.  Through their efforts at home, children come to realize not only that they are a valued part of the family but also that they have a responsibility toward it.  This lesson can be lost when parents place a higher priority on after-school activities than on chores. Ask yourself, 'Of what benefit is it if my child forges a connection with the soccer team but loses his connection with the family team?' 

Next time: HELP FOR THE FAMILY/PARENTING - The Importance of Chores 

From the jw.org publications 

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